'mount -t cifs' then 'ls /mnt' causes "soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck". Can't kill -9 nor init s, etc

This looks like the same thing, but was “solved” in 15.5:

Every time I do:

USS-Liberty:~ # mount -t cifs // -o username=hattons /mnt/elements
Password for hattons@//

followed by ‘ls /mnt’, I get

2024-06-27T03:48:38.093101-04:00 USS-Liberty kernel: [ 2664.161932][    C0] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 1643s! [ls:5764]


I can’t ‘kill -9 5764’, ‘reboot’, ‘halt’, ‘init s’, etc. Other CPUs start to get stuck on other processes. I haven’t been using Linux for several years, but in the good old days, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

The CPU is “Intel(R) Core™ i9-14900KS,” the motherboard is “ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.: ROG MAXIMUS Z790 FORMULA,” and

USS-Liberty:~ # uname -r

Can someone reproduce this? Use a system you can afford to hard reboot, if you try.

I found a way to solve my immediate problem of browsing shared Windows directories (AKA folders) from Linux. In Konqueror (which I have loved since KDE was in Beta) use ‘smb://username@host’. I knew there was an easy way to do this. I just couldn’t remember. It’s been years.

But I shouldn’t be able to crash the kernel with a few cli commands. So this is still an open issue.

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I have the same problem.
See here:

Have you reported it as a bug? I want to, if no one has. It’s pretty serious, in my view. Do you have a deterministic way of reproducing the condition? Fortunately, I do have that on my computer.


I can reproduce it.

  • mount a share (Windows, not Samba!)
  • execute a ‘df’ in the terminal

I just experienced this issue , and posted as link below … never saw this post, but the Konq works great !!


“For newer protocol versions, the mount option “nohandlecache” must be used.”

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