Xfce 4.20 not displaying distro logo in About Xfce

I see that now, the backquotes should be on the line above the copied text, I started by putting that on the same line. Attempting to correct the aforementioned post:

epp@dell:~> zypper se -s xfce4*branding*
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name                                  | Type    | Version |                   Arch |          Repository
i | xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
  | xfce4-notifyd-branding-upstream       | package | 0.9.6-1.2  | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i | xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE         | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
  | xfce4-panel-branding-upstream         | package | 4.20.0-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i | xfce4-power-manager-branding-openSUSE | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
  | xfce4-power-manager-branding-upstream | package | 4.20.0-2.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i | xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
  | xfce4-session-branding-upstream       | package | 4.20.0-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i | xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE      | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
  | xfce4-settings-branding-upstream      | package | 4.20.0-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)

Yes, the software is not very forgiving. Looks fine now.

I hope help will come soon.

Thank you.

I can’t edit the subject of this thread now, but on the surface, based on the About Xfce window screenshots, the branding appears when installed on AMD hardware, but not on Intel, but the same image was used to install Tumbleweed on the two Intel machines.

This output is from the Intel-based desktop, with the 20241215-0 repository both enabled and disabled and also without the branding in About Xfce.

epp@penguin:~> zypper se -s xfce4*branding*
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                                  | Type    | Version                 | Arch   | Repository
i  | xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-notifyd-branding-upstream       | package | 0.9.6-1.2               | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE         | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-panel-branding-upstream         | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-power-manager-branding-openSUSE | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-power-manager-branding-upstream | package | 4.20.0-2.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-session-branding-upstream       | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE      | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-settings-branding-upstream      | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)

epp@penguin:~> zypper se -s xfce4*branding*
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                                  | Type    | Version                 | Arch   | Repository
i  | xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-notifyd-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
   | xfce4-notifyd-branding-upstream       | package | 0.9.6-1.2               | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-notifyd-branding-upstream       | package | 0.9.6-1.2               | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
i  | xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE         | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-panel-branding-openSUSE         | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
   | xfce4-panel-branding-upstream         | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-panel-branding-upstream         | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
i  | xfce4-power-manager-branding-openSUSE | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-power-manager-branding-openSUSE | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
   | xfce4-power-manager-branding-upstream | package | 4.20.0-2.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-power-manager-branding-upstream | package | 4.20.0-2.1              | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
i  | xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-session-branding-openSUSE       | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
   | xfce4-session-branding-upstream       | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-session-branding-upstream       | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
i  | xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE      | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i  | xfce4-settings-branding-openSUSE      | package | 4.20.0+git1.d2555b3-1.1 | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0
   | xfce4-settings-branding-upstream      | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
   | xfce4-settings-branding-upstream      | package | 4.20.0-1.1              | noarch | openSUSE-20241215-0

I am not using Xfce at all, but it seems that the above-mentioned issue might be due to some bug in libxfce4ui, which provides the “about dialog” with distribution logo, information about the used windowing system and the used GPU. By the way, there is an upstream bug report on a different issue related to the “about dialog” at Nvidia driver is shown as 'unknown' in about screen (#119) · Issues · Xfce / libxfce4ui · GitLab.

@ epp, what happens if you change 'dell" to tumbleweed.?
See if the logo will change also. :wink:

In the bug report @fkrueger mentioned above, I noticed both posters also had Intel CPU’s. I am now wondering whether there is an issue with the libxfce4ui package, but with Intel systems? One poster had no branding with PorteuX using 4.20pre1, but the other with Arch using 4.20, did. :thinking:

I changed ‘penguin’ to ‘tumbleweed’ on the Intel desktop, still no branding, even after a reboot. It was worth a try. :slight_smile:

Would you mind opening a bug report upstream at Issues · Xfce / libxfce4ui · GitLab?

A post was split to a new topic: Xfce Installation Query

Upstream bug report opened and closed.

Requires installation of the distribution-logos-openSUSE-icons package, which was not installed with the 20141215-0 install image.

On my AMD systems, the 20230822-0 installation image was used and that package was found to be already installed.

1235085 – distribution-logos-openSUSE-icons needs to be added to install images has been submitted to add the package to the openSUSE images.

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