pull up a chair Confusleing,
a long time ago folks only had a black screen…which is why they
called’em the dark ages…before Bill Gates stole the idea of a
‘graphical user interface’ from Apple (who saw it first at Xerox) the
screen was black and white (well, the FANCY ones were black with
orange or green text)…
there wasn’t yet a WWW and you got email on that little screen with a
program named Pine (and others)…and you could join discussion groups
(forums) all over the world on a USer NETtwork called Usnet
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet> using the Network News Transfer
Protocol (NNTP) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nntp> via your
Newsreader <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_client> to send/receive
information to others interested in the same thing (say SUSE Linux)…
so now you can read up on it…
i use here because i don’t have to SIGN IN…
and, then i don’t have to SIGN IN AGAIN because someone thinks that
one sign in and a cookie to let you in over and over and over is not a
good thing (like i can at my bank, or stock market broker
account–where REAL money is at risk)…
and, i don’t have to wade through the winking blinking cute icons…it
is just pure, raw information–WORDS…
much much faster for my machine to download, and for me to read…
it feels like email (NOT HTML email, raw plain TEXT…)
i like it, you might not…
yes, we can reply to both other NNTP users and to those who visit via
HHTP (to the web forum)…
i use Thunderbird as both my email and newsreader only because it is
there, it is easy, it works and it is ok…
but along the way i’ve used a lot of different ones…my favorite was
something called NeologicNews which ran on OS/2 Warp…it was a great
shareware program…i bought a lifetime key for about $30 in about '96
or so…worth ever cent, though i’ve not booted to Warp in a long
time…(i wish i knew exactly when i figured out i could do all i
wanted on Linux…by the way, i got unhooked from Redmond in '95)
here are a few newsreaders that are still around
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Usenet_newsreaders (no, i’ve not
used’em all…not nearly)…
it could be that primary, secondary, tertiary, assistant and many
others are all the same person…or, maybe not…
since one does not have to register up OR sign in to read/reply/post
via NNTP tt is just a matter of changing a name to have a new one…
by the way, i’ll give you a hint: most of the folks who use NNTP have
been around the block a time or two…
The Real Elvis