totem and vlc are almost working

When starting a DVD with VLC on 11.1, the disk’s main menu comes up and that’s it. The menu doesn’t respond to the mouse. Similarly, when starting a DVD with totem, the FBI warning plays, then the disk stops with no options and nowhere else to go.

I have libdvdcss, libdvdread3, and libdvdread4 installed. Does anyone know what I’m missing?

have a work thru these. They were written for 11.0 but just manage your repo’s for 11.1

Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

Check your multimedia problem in ten steps - openSUSE Forums

I haven’t had a chance to delve into the info at the links very deeply. I did discover that xvidcore wasn’t installed. After installing that, most DVDs will automatically start in Totem with no access to the disk menu. VLC continues to show the menu without allowing the user to select anything on it.

I’ll post back if issues continue.

Make sure you are using vlc from Packman
check the guides again

Before seeing your reply, caf4926, I followed the advice of a guy in my local LUG and re-installed VLC from Videolan this morning. (I had initially downloaded the Packman version.) The DVD menus are now fully responsive. I disabled Videolan immediately after installing VLC.