Talk about hypocricy!!

Have a read of this -

BBC NEWS | Business | US objects to China’s net filter

Quote - “denying manufacturers and consumers freedom to select filtering software”.

Hmm, I don’t hear them complaining about lack of freedom to choose the bleeding operating system though!!

Quote - “China is putting companies in an untenable position by requiring them, with virtually no public notice, to pre-install software that appears to have broad-based censorship implications and network security issues”

Erm, doesn’t the actual operating system (that this stuff runs on) fall into the exact same category?

Seriously though, it’s not that surprising is it?

And just how easy will that be to enforce I wonder?

The filter is also un-installable by the end user - it’s not built into the system in any way, it’s merely pre-installed.

It’s just another program in the Add/Remove Software section of the OS.

my reading indicates that Green Dam runs in Redmond’s system–so why
should we care or discuss? (unless it is a political point (on
freedom) being raised, in which case we can’t [due to forum rules]
discuss it here)

reading elsewhere it seems to me that post-pubescent chinese males are
as capable as those anywhere of getting around all possible clumsy
p0rn blocks (including loading/running openSUSE)…so, are we only
concerned with their ability to get unfiltered political views into
their mind? (if so, we still can’t discuss it here)

/( )
^^-^^ natural_pilot

lol, I was actually going more along the lines of the hypocricy of the US government.

They complain about a lousy filtering programme interfering with “freedom of choice” and stifling competition, but seem to have conveniently forgotten about a certain US corporation that has been convicted many times for the same thing!

The BBC previously ran a story on the filtering software with the headline “All chinese computers must have censorship software” (or thereabouts!). And to my utter surprise they did actually mention (in one line hidden at the bottom of the article) that computers running Linux would not be affected.

(in one line hidden at the bottom of the article) that computers running Linux would not be affected.

So how long do think it will take for folks to figure that out, download openSUSE or other Linux and format the ‘nuts’ off their HD. And install for freedom.
Seems like it might be another good way to encourage people to dump M$.

growbag wrote:
> I was actually going more along the lines of the hypocricy of the
> US government.

then it was a political commentary and therefore not allowed here,

“…religious or political comment is not allowed.”

/( )
^^-^^ natural_pilot

I’m closing this thread due to it’s tendency to drift into territory which breaks the terms and conditions.
One post deleted.

> Seems like it might be another good way to encourage people to dump M$.

I thought it was mandated by the government to run RedFlag linux.