Switch system packages to packages from Packman repository breaks mozilla-openh264 (after upgrade 15.4 -> 15.5)

I’ve installed Leap 15.4 from scratch. Next day I saw 15.5 has been released. So I performed upgrade to 15.5.

But now if I try
sudo zypper dup --allow-vendor-change --from Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_15.5/

it gives me:

Problem: the installed mozilla-openh264-2.3.1-2.sle150500.2.x86_64 requires ‘libopenh264-7(x86-64) = 2.3.1-2.sle150500.2’, but this requirement cannot be provided
Solution 1: deinstallation of mozilla-openh264-2.3.1-2.sle150500.2.x86_64
Solution 2: keep obsolete libopenh264-7-2.3.1-2.sle150500.2.x86_64
Solution 3: break mozilla-openh264-2.3.1-2.sle150500.2.x86_64, ignoring some of its dependencies

what’s wrong?

You want to use the package from packman, so the package from openSUSE has to be deleted and mozilla-openh264 needs the package from openSUSE, not Packamn.

LANG=C zypper se -s openh264
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                           | Type       | Version              | Arch   | Repository
   | gstreamer-1.20-plugin-openh264 | package    | 1.20.3-1.sle150500.2 | x86_64 | openh264
   | gstreamer-1.20-plugin-openh264 | srcpackage | 1.20.3-1.sle150500.2 | noarch | openh264
i+ | libopenh264-7                  | package    | 2.3.1-150500.1.pm.2  | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
v  | libopenh264-7                  | package    | 2.3.1-2.sle150500.2  | x86_64 | openh264
   | libopenh264-7-debuginfo        | package    | 2.3.1-150500.1.pm.2  | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
   | libopenh264-devel              | package    | 2.3.1-2.sle150500.2  | x86_64 | openh264
   | mozilla-openh264               | package    | 2.3.1-2.sle150500.2  | x86_64 | openh264
   | openh264                       | srcpackage | 2.3.1-150500.1.pm.2  | noarch | Packman_Aachen
   | openh264                       | srcpackage | 2.3.1-pm150500.1.1   | noarch | Packman_Aachen
   | openh264                       | srcpackage | 2.3.1-2.sle150500.2  | noarch | openh264
   | openh264-debugsource           | package    | 2.3.1-150500.1.pm.2  | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
   | openh264-devel                 | package    | 2.3.1-150500.1.pm.2  | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen

I do not use the mozilla-openh264, I use ffmpeg4 (and their libs) from Packman.

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Thank you for assistance.
if i remove mozilla-openh264 it won’t break the work of xfreerdp etc? …I saw someone claimed so

Where do you read that?

I went with solution 1 for this. And everything seems to be working as expected.

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Looks like it was about tumbleweed

thank you for sharing your experience!

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AFAICS, the “mozilla-openh264” is located in the OpenH264 codecs repository: <https://codecs.opensuse.org/openh264/>

More explanation in the SDB: <https://en.opensuse.org/OpenH264>

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