Hello. I have my old drive as backup drive. Suse has grabbed partitions from it. I need to have the full amount for back of windows files. It’s grabbed way more than it needs from my primary. The partition changes bug comes up again(forced changes, no changes to my windows drive unless I ask for them). I still haven’t had the chance to put the partition back to the way they were.
How do shift them those partition back to the primary drive? Just delete them and reformat the drive?
// generated by libstorage version 2.24.8
// linux-nsfx.(none), 2014-02-05 13:45:21
digraph storage
node [shape=rectangle, style=filled, fontname="Arial"];
edge ;
"device:/dev/sda" [label="sda", color="#ff0000", fillcolor="#ffaaaa", tooltip="Hard Disk
931.51 GB"];
"device:/dev/sda1" [label="sda1", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
292.96 GB"];
"device:/dev/sda2" [label="sda2", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
32.00 GB"];
"mountpoint:/dev/sda2" [label="/usr/local", color="#008800", fillcolor="#99ee99", tooltip="Mount Point
32.00 GB"];
"device:/dev/sda5" [label="sda5", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
203.38 GB"];
"device:/dev/sda6" [label="sda6", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
264.75 GB"];
"device:/dev/sdb" [label="sdb", color="#ff0000", fillcolor="#ffaaaa", tooltip="Hard Disk
298.09 GB"];
"device:/dev/sdb1" [label="sdb1", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
2.01 GB"];
"mountpoint:/dev/sdb1" [label="swap", color="#008800", fillcolor="#99ee99", tooltip="Mount Point
2.01 GB"];
"device:/dev/sdb2" [label="sdb2", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
20.00 GB"];
"mountpoint:/dev/sdb2" [label="/", color="#008800", fillcolor="#99ee99", tooltip="Mount Point
20.00 GB"];
"device:/dev/sdb3" [label="sdb3", color="#cc33cc", fillcolor="#eeaaee", tooltip="Partition
139.00 GB"];
"mountpoint:/dev/sdb3" [label="/home", color="#008800", fillcolor="#99ee99", tooltip="Mount Point
139.00 GB"];
{ rank=source; "device:/dev/sda" "device:/dev/sdb" };
{ rank=same; "device:/dev/sda1" "device:/dev/sda2" "device:/dev/sda5" "device:/dev/sda6" "device:/dev/sdb1" "device:/dev/sdb2" "device:/dev/sdb3" };
{ rank=sink; "mountpoint:/dev/sda2" "mountpoint:/dev/sdb1" "mountpoint:/dev/sdb2" "mountpoint:/dev/sdb3" };
"device:/dev/sda" -> "device:/dev/sda1" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sda" -> "device:/dev/sda2" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sda2" -> "mountpoint:/dev/sda2" [style=dashed];
"device:/dev/sda" -> "device:/dev/sda5" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sda" -> "device:/dev/sda6" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sdb" -> "device:/dev/sdb1" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sdb1" -> "mountpoint:/dev/sdb1" [style=dashed];
"device:/dev/sdb" -> "device:/dev/sdb2" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sdb2" -> "mountpoint:/dev/sdb2" [style=dashed];
"device:/dev/sdb" -> "device:/dev/sdb3" [style=solid];
"device:/dev/sdb3" -> "mountpoint:/dev/sdb3" [style=dashed];
931 gb = primary drive.
293 gb = backup drive
Need help here, thanks.