suggestion for installing with Intel & nVidia graphics on a recent PC - Asus G20

This is a suggestion for installing OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (as of April 2019) on a recent PC (Asus G20) with
both Intel & nVidia (GTX970) graphics controllers:

  • if your installation of OpenSUSE crashes, hangs, or fails with an unexpected error, try adding these options
    to the kernel boot line (press ‘e’ in the Grub boot screen):
    **textmode=1 nomodeset acpi=off splash=verbose

  • you may need to do this each time when you run the ‘Installation’ or ‘Update’ option

  • after installing on an Asus G20, the following kernel options are recommended permanently,
    which you can set in Yast, Boot, Kernel parameters:
    pci=acpi pci=noaer splash=silent

  • also, it is suggested to install a minimum system in the non-graphics mode first, just to get the system running, then
    download the nVidia drivers for X using Yast from the Nvidia OpenSUSE repo, which is
    described here: install the appropriate for your graphics card. I used for a GTX970:

[INDENT=2] - install the ‘x11-video-nvidiaG05’ driver*, then reboot

  • install the ‘nvidia-glG05’ for OpenGL 3D acceleration


  • then run ‘Update’ to bring the system up to graphics mode

This problem was submitted to OpenSUSE.

Possible causes:

  • PCI Advaced Error Reporting (AER) floods the system log
  • possible conflicts between the Intel and nVidia controllers prior to nVidia drivers being installed cause crash

Also, in the BIOS settings, BOOT parameters, you can continue to use UEFI mode, but change the OS from “Windows” to “Other OS”

Have you tried using bumblebee? Also, I covered required sequence to install for modern Intel+Nvidia laptop at the end here:

Typically if you install with nouveau disabled, and nomodeset in boot options, it should work as soon as you install bumblebee+Nvidia then disable nomodeset in boot options.

And just to stay in the saved side,

  • install mc and nano,
  • update completely your system before installing a proprietary driver on your system, Because it is the dangerous part of an installation, specially with a new computer and a new card.

this way, If there is a problem, you will know the cause of your problem.

Update on October 16, 2020:

Revised procedure:

  1. Installation of OpenSUSE 15.2 went smoothly with no changes needed for a server system to get to text mode multiuser.

  2. However this kernel parameter is still needed, and should be added before you install more packages to get to graphical startup:


**To make this change, start Yast, select Boot loader, kernel parameters, and enter the above.

Without this change the system log gets flooded with warnings, eventually causing the system to slow down and freeze.

  1. In Yast set the boot mode to Graphical, and select a desktop. I am using xfce.

I have not yet installed the nvidia drivers, I am still using the nouveau X11 experimental driver with no problems with the xfce desktop.

ps. There does seem to be a project in 2020 to improve OpenSUSE on Asus ROG computers,

and hopefully this problem will be solved.

pps. I am using Linux in preference to Windows 10, because there is a crashing problem (Blue screen of death or “bugcheck”)
with both the Windows HW driver and the latest nvidia driver on the Asus G20 and the GTX 970 card. The system crashes when
it is idle for about 10 minutes. This problem appears on some of the Asus forums without a current solution.
Windows 10 is stable if the motherboard graphics is used instead, meaning the nvidia card is not used, but this is bad.

Ubuntu install failed also on the Asus G20 with the nvidia GTX970 card, unless two monitors were used.

Only OpenSUSE worked with one monitor.
