Hello again with another question regarding my RTL8852BE WiFi chip. Since support for Leap 15.5 is running out, I will be switching to Leap 15.6 soon. Right now, I have a version of rtw89-kmp-default from the openSUSE Hardware repo installed. It eventually stopped updating via zypper up, if I switch to any of the newer versions in the Hardware repo or the Sauerland hardware repo (see below), WiFi doesn’t work and my system runs really slow.
Question for my upgrade to Leap 15.6: Where do I get the driver for my WiFi chip in Leap 15.6? The following Github issue makes me think it might finally be included in the kernel.
Is that the case?
If not: Should I keep the now installed, but somehow orphaned driver? Or should I use one from the Hardware repo or the Sauerland repo?
The drivers in the 3 Repos you have added are the same, maybe only a readme or something is different.
So you have to use the rtw89-kmp-default and the rtw89-ueficert packages from 1 Repo and disable the other, mostly my complete /home Repo.
Also if you use the Leap kernel and secure boot, have you added the key to the mok?
The problem with the git Repo is, that openSUSE uses a backported kernel and the drivers will not build without patching. But that are the sources for the kmps in my /home and in hardware-Repo.
I understand, I will update to Leap 15.6, choose a repo for the driver and install both packages from the repo.
Right now I am not using secure boot.
I just tried (on Leap 15.5) to install both the rtw89-kmp-default package and the rtw89-ueficert package from the same repo, once from the openSUSE Hardware repo and once from your hardware repo. Both times the Wi-Fi didn’t work, Nautilus didn’t work (stopped replying directly after opening, showed no files) and the system wouldn’t shut down anymore. Both times I had to roll back (snapper rollback) to the working system with the driver that has g1283764 in the version number. Any thoughts on why the drivers from the repos aren’t working? Btw I have all kernel-firmware files installed from openSUSE update repo.
Anyways, I will update to Leap 15.6 soon and see what happens there when I add the drivers.
zypper se -s rtw89
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
No matching items found.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this looks like I don’t need to install the rtw89 driver from anywhere, it seems to be included in the kernel. Is that correct? Or is this some old residues from the Leap 15.5 installation?