oS 13.1 Stable

I thought this was going to be ready on 11/15? When it does become available do we download and install, or is it going to be a repo update?


Thanks caf, I guess it is still in development. I used Linux Mint Debian for a couple of years, and I like the stability of oS 12.3, I can wait for the final release of 13.1. :\

Linux newbie here and very happy with 12.3.

This will be my 1st experience with going through a major upgrade and it’s kinda scary.
So, what will I expect to see ?

  1. I am presuming that I will be given an option of staying with 12.3.
  2. Will I get the apper messages about an update being available ?
    3 If I choose to upgrade, will it be via Yast ?
  3. Since I have VirtualBox installed, can I install 13.1 into it without any troubles ?

This is kinda exciting.

On 2013-11-17 03:36, hextejas wrote:
> Linux newbie here and very happy with 12.3.
> This will be my 1st experience with going through a major upgrade and
> it’s kinda scary.
> So, what will I expect to see ?

Nothing. See below.

> 1) I am presuming that I will be given an option of staying with 12.3.


> 2) Will I get the apper messages about an update being available ?


> 3 If I choose to upgrade, will it be via Yast ?

See above.

> 4) Since I have VirtualBox installed, can I install 13.1 into it without
> any troubles ?

Why not? :slight_smile:

Re 1 and 2, system upgrades are not automatic in openSUSE. You have to
intentionally and manually do it.

Online upgrade

Offline upgrade

Chapter 16. Upgrading the System and System Changes
openSUSE 12.3 Release Notes
openSUSE 13.1 Release Notes

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

hextejas wrote:

> 1) I am presuming that I will be given an option of staying with 12.3.

you can use 12.3 till sep 2014
source :-

GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop

My most important app without question is KMyMoney, and it’s the reason I use openSUSE.

Will they make their own announcement re their app working with 13.1 ?

I will ask over there but it’s nice to have reassurances.


On 2013-11-18 01:06, hextejas wrote:
> My most important app without question is KMyMoney, and it’s the reason
> I use openSUSE.
> Will they make their own announcement re their app working with 13.1 ?
> I will ask over there but it’s nice to have reassurances.

I don’t know, but there is a wiki page on it:


If you search for it, here
you can see that there is an official version for 12.3, but not for 13.1.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

That search result is wrong for some reason.
Kmymoney is included in 13.1:

# zypper se -s kmymoney
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                                   | Type       | Version     | Arch   | Repository        
i | kmymoney                               | package    | 4.6.4-2.10  | x86_64 | KDE:Extra         
v | kmymoney                               | package    | 4.6.3-6.1.3 | x86_64 | openSUSE-13.1-1.10

So 4.6.3 is in the standard OSS repo, and the latest 4.6.4 is available in the KDE:Extra repo.

If you are really worried, get clonezilla and make a clone of your oS12.3 partition, apply the 13.1 update, if it goes bad you can be back at 12.3 in a matter of minutes. I always clone before a major update or upgrade.

On 2013-11-18 09:46, wolfi323 wrote:
> robin_listas;2598407 Wrote:
>> If you search for it, here
>> ‘software.opensuse.org:’ (http://software.opensuse.org/package/kmymoney)
>> you can see that there is an official version for 12.3, but not for
>> 13.1.
> That search result is wrong for some reason.
> Kmymoney is included in 13.1:

I thought it was strange.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

On 2013-11-18 13:06, rdonnelly2001 wrote:

> If you are really worried, get clonezilla and make a clone of your
> oS12.3 partition, apply the 13.1 update, if it goes bad you can be back
> at 12.3 in a matter of minutes. I always clone before a major update or
> upgrade.

It is even better to have two system partitions: one for the current
version, another for the next or the previous version. One partition
would have 12.3, the other 13.1. You can boot any, go back and compare…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

Just what I do
Sadly I’m back on 12.3 for now
13.1 is giving me grief

On 2013-11-18, caf4926 <caf4926@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> Just what I do
> Sadly I’m back on 12.3 for now
> 13.1 is giving me grief

That is ominous to hear. Can you explain in what way 13.1 is giving you grief?

There is a bug that affects my wireless (b43 related to the newer kernel) I can work around it by using ‘wl’. And the issue is it just causes a delay on re-connect after suspend.

Using Libre Office Impress is crashing my desktop (ATM this is a big issue for me as I’m using Impress every day)

That’s all
Not much, but work is heavy ATM and I can’t afford crashes or the wasted time.

12.3 is rock solid

Clean install, btrfs this time for “/” and “/home”. Flawless.
No issues.
@Caf4926: do you have the libreoffice-language-tool installed? IIRC I read about it making LO crash.

I’ll check…

It wasn’t
Now it is + updated again
Logout/Reboot just to be sure
Still crashing on about slide 3 as I load an image

I can confirm identical behaviour on my eeepc too

So I see the 13.1 release is out, since it is a rolling distro, will we be notified of the update, or do we download the DVD and upgrade that way?


Never mind, post #5 explains it all. https://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/install-boot-login/492077-os-13-1-stable.html#post2598261

After I do my Sunday clone and home backup, I will pursue the upgrade. :slight_smile: