openSUSE 11.2 - the aftermath

Something timed out while typing , anyways my experience has been so so on one of my workstations . Backed up ~ and did a dup. Strange thing it threw a bunch of checksum digest errors for k3b and another k3b package. Installed 2 kernels, default and pae. (this is a 32 bit workstation, had default before, and also a custom kernel) Totally deinstalled the novell client, hope I can get that working with 11.2, as I hate the limitations of ncpmount . Virtualbox module will not compile (but it seems this is known, my vm’s :frowning: ) Also seahorse seems broken. But otherwise the emerald release is looking nice :slight_smile:

My upgrade went well with the exception of virtualbox (which I was able to resolve) and mysql. Some how my mysql.sock file was destroyed and mysql no longer functions. Anyone here have this issue? I verified the locations in mysql.conf and all looks as it should.

I had a clean install from the DVD and am running KDE. openSUSE 11.2 is a very welcome release as it fixes a lot of things that dulled the 11.1 experience. I haven’t got a plasma crash notification yet…a frequent occurrence in KDE 4.2. Also the GTK integration is just superb and thank you suse for fixing that in this release. Before, GTK apps (i use firefox and eclipse a lot) looked really really awful.

PulseAudio works for my ATI integrated sound card…something that was not there in 11.1.

Overall in my usage i find 4.3 to be extremely stable and a good contender to the other OS’s including the commercials. I use openSUSE exclusively now.

Unlike 11.2/4.2 window manipulation with special effects ON has become much smoother.

BUT :wink: You still cannot change your KDM theme from the ‘Configure Desktop’ :frowning: you need to manually set a KDM variable with the theme name. I hope this will be fixed soon. There are bug reports already filed.

Also eclipse users note that 11.2 and 4.3 breaks eclipse dialog buttons. You can click on them but they don’t work. This however is for the eclipse team to handle.

Overall 11.2 is my favorite OS as of now. congrats to the openSUSE team and contributors. I’m waiting for the supported editions for my workplace…11.2 is certainly worth the bucks.

MySQL sock location was changed in MySQL 5.1 (this is an upstream change, not one that SuSE guys just happened to pick) and thus you’ll need to update your software to reflect this change.