I have read numerous posts on the web regarding issues with being able to shutdown from an Xfce session but have yet to stumble upon an answer. Both my shutdown and restart buttons are enabled but when I click either of them they only result in a logout action. I see from the Xfce wiki that the default starting at version 4.4 is to use hal but I have tried to setup for both alternatives. I have added two lines to my /etc/sudoers file:
In the user alias area: User_Alias USRSHUTDOWN = ron
and at the bottom of the file: USRSHUTDOWN ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
I’ve tried a number of variants on the above scheme w/wo User_Alias, w/wo (root) all to no avail, all that happens is a logout when I select the shutdown button from the quit dialog. I have manually invoked xfsm-shutdown-helper from a command line and get the following:
Looking into the hal approach and checking the /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf file I see a comment that anyone is allowed to invoke methods on the manager and device interfaces. While I don’t understand what the <policy context = “default”> statement actually means I’ll believe the comment and go with a special group does not need to exist to use the dbus/hal interface.
This just doesn’t seam like it should be hard so I assume I’m missing something obvious but being relatively new to unix and a first time Xfce user I’m at a loss. Help from anyone with some ideas/experience in this area would be greatly appreciated.