no space left on device opensuse 13.2

Hi to everybody from spain! This morning i woke up with the next problem:
The GUI dont work, when i booted my pc it start on tty1 and showed the problem: no space left on device. Im beginner in opensuse and i dont know how to solve this, i have much fear because i believed in opensuse and all my important documents like CV, copy of my passport and programming files is in /home and i have some programs intalled that is very difficult rescue. So, can you help me please? I need continue programming and do my tasks. (I was search for any solution but i dont found how to solve this from comand line, just how to solve this problem from GUI)

On 2014-12-28 17:56, beginsuse wrote:
> Hi to everybody from spain! This morning i woke up with the next
> problem:
> The GUI dont work, when i booted my pc it start on tty1 and showed the
> problem: no space left on device. Im beginner in opensuse and i dont
> know how to solve this, i have much fear because i believed in opensuse
> and all my important documents like CV, copy of my passport and
> programming files is in /home and i have some programs intalled that is
> very difficult rescue. So, can you help me please? I need continue
> programming and do my tasks. (I was search for any solution but i dont
> found how to solve this from comand line, just how to solve this problem
> from GUI)

Your files are not lost, only some of your partitions are full. We have
to find out why, and then what to delete to make up for space.

Please run in a terminal “df -h” and post the result here. Or make a
photo, if you don’t know how to do it from the CLI. Or copy it by
hand… (ignore the tmpfs entries).

Or interpret it yourself. There should be a line showing 100% use. Which
one? We just need that line, or lines.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Thank you very very much!

The output of df -h is


do you mean something like btrfs filesystem show?

the output of

btrfs filesystem show

If you are using btrfs, the volume in question might be out of metadata space.

btrfs filesystem df [filesystem root] 

can show you details.

What can you do:

  • delete snapshots (with snapper)
  • re-balance:
btrfs balance start [filesystem root] 

If there is not enough free space to start balancing, try it with empty or half empty chunks:

btrfs balance start -musage=0 -dusage=0 [filesystem root] 
btrfs balance start -musage=50 -dusage=50 [filesystem root]


i did can not do anything, the system told me again -no space left on device-

i dont how to remove snapshots, can you explain me how to do it?

thank you very much.

The ouput of

snapper -c root list

Can i delete all snapshots or i need keep any snapshot?


btrfs filesystem show

You have some /dev/sda* at full. Then

btrfs -c root list

This part is very complex to explain, but you take the first number under # column (except #0…) and the penultimate number #, that correspond to type pos snapshot, because you are deleting a range snapshots ( from n-snapshot to n-snapshot ). Then enter this command

btrfs -c root delete first_number-penultimate_pos

And automatically you will have enough space again.

Thanks to everybody that was try help me. (and sorry for my bad English :smiley: )

Sorry, the second and third commnads start with snapper not with btrfs. So the result is

I’m sorry I can’t help you man.

What I meant earlier was. I’m glad I chose to keep using ext4
From what I have been reading my decision has been vindicated

Does this help

Can you post the output from;

fdisk -l

You have other operating systems installed on /dev/sda1 using btrfs? Does your system have a floppy drive, if not is it disabled in the BIOS?

The output of

btrfs filesystem df /

before deleting snapshots showed, that you had used 80% of the metadata space (800MiB of 1GiB). Please check again and if this number is not significantly lower now, you should try re-balancing again.


This is the capture of fdisk -l output
Until two months ago i had Manjaro and windows 8. But then i was try opensuse and i like it, but i was a troubble when i decided edit my grub from yast so i had delete all except my store particion and then reinstall opensuse.

why do you question about this? do you see some strange?

The output of btrfs filesystem df /

perfect, now i’m re-balancing my system but it’s taking long time :S

(sorry for my english dude, is not my native language)

The output of btrfs balance start /

Sounds like you have the system backup and running, yet still unable to balance?

Your resulting btrfs output is misleading, in one set (post number 8) you are root and in the last post you use sudo which show different output. I would suggest using su - and not sudo to perform and maintenance tasks like this…

So openSUSE is on sda6? yet in post number 6, it’s showing sda1 as well with btrfs.

So there is nothing of importance on sda1, sda2 or sda4?

Hello Malcolm,
i can’t balance the system and i dont know why.

In reality i dont know where is opensuse (sda1/3/4/6/7) because is the first time that im using btrfs. i used others linux distros (*buntu, Manjaro, Fedora, RHEL) which use ext3 or ext4 and windows8, so i never had this problem.

apparently when i installed opensuse it install the OS in dev1, but mount /home in dev7 and the root / in dev6, this is very rare but i dont know how to work opensuse this is why i left it.

this is the output with the all results of commands that you and other friend requested me

now i can balance the system :S why much difference between su and sudo? :S

this is the capture of the gparted

need i help with something? what is wrong with my pc? can you help me? i like very much opensuse, but i need continue with my tasks, web programming and advance with my learning in python and c++

if is necessary i can put my OS in english

Just a comment, use ‘su -’ not just su, as adding the ‘-’ sets the environment to user root as well. Without the ‘-’ it uses you user environment and can cause problems at times. In openSUSE unless you tweak sudo to perform certain functions, it’s not by default configured like some other operating systems do…

So the gparted output shows you booting from sda1 (indicated by the ‘*’ and openSUSE does reside on sda6. You have a lot of wasted space… plus the further out on the disk platter the slower things happen. Honestly if you only using openSUSE you might want to consider a re-install and utilize the whole disk…

If you looking at running apache for you web development then you could utilize some space with a seperate /srv partition as well.

But if it’s all working now, you should be good to go, but you may need to tweak the snapper config file /etc/snapper/configs/root to ensure it doesn’t happen again or if not interested in snapshots turn it off?