No network after hibernation

Hi Folks

I have a small problem on my new computer (see for my installation problems!). It hibernates and re-instates without any problem (that I have noticed) except that the network doesn’t come back up. Putting

sudo service wicked restart

in a terminal starts it OK. My question is how do I get it to run this whenever it re-instates from hibernation?

I am running KDE on 42.3 and the network is wired.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


A similar thread…
A bug report may be warranted here.

As a workaround a script located in /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/ could be used to restart the network upon post hibernation…

Maybe something like the following …

if  "$1" = "post" ] ; then
    echo "Restarting wicked..."
    systemctl restart wicked

Thanks very much. Once I had remembered to make the file executable - it worked!

All the best.


Yes, I should have mentioned that explicitly I guess. It is only a workaround, but perhaps the underlying cause may be due to an underlying a hardware-related quirk.

… and, as Deano hinted, add your voice to the bug report?:slight_smile: