New Login URL -Attachmate

With some bemusement today I noticed the new web login URL…

Using the Attachmate Domain name in the URL.
Is this the beginning of the end to the Novell brand? Will there be a migration of everything “Novell” to Attachmate?


On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 03:16:01 +0000, tsu2 wrote:

> With some bemusement today I noticed the new web login URL…
> Using the Attachmate Domain name in the URL.
> Is this the beginning of the end to the Novell brand? Will there be a
> migration of everything “Novell” to Attachmate?

Nope, not the “beginning of the end”, just a realignment so the other
Attachmate brands (SUSE and NetIQ) aren’t redirecting to a Novell page
for their authentication. Now it’s all Attachmate.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

I saw this without any bemusement.

I had to reconfigure cookies allowance in FF, script allowance in NoScript, password manager (Kwallet).

And that of course after finding out that the login was broken and that I landed on URLs that are unknown and thus untrusted by me. It seems that security consiousness it to be expected from everybody, except from us openSUSE forum users. Just except would you get offered without thinking please. >:)

Functionally speaking, we have to choose one domain that every organization can use for SSO. Since “” doesn’t favor any particular organization, it made sense to start using that. Novell will be Novell, SUSE will be SUSE, etc. Things that are shared among them, such as login, have made for some interesting discussions :\

Sorry to those of you who had to adjust your security settings and such to start working with this. The only thing that seems to be constant is change!

On 2012-12-12 19:36, MatthewEhle wrote:

> Functionally speaking, we have to choose one domain that every
> organization can use for SSO. Since “” doesn’t favor
> any particular organization, it made sense to start using that. Novell
> will be Novell, SUSE will be SUSE, etc. Things that are shared among
> them, such as login, have made for some interesting discussions :
> Sorry to those of you who had to adjust your security settings and such
> to start working with this. The only thing that seems to be constant is
> change!

I see something perhaps related: when I log in to Bugzilla, I see the
attachmate page requesting ID, but when I do Firefox does not request to
store this login. Why?

When I log out, I get to “”, and FF gives
a warning that the certificate is not trusted:

Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for the following names:
* ,

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

I accept the exception temporarily and the page fills. But I should have
got to the bugzilla page I was before.

I then login to the forums. I think I’m redirected to the same
attachmate page, and this time I get asked if the password should be
rememembered (I say yes). I log out and I get to
<> page this time. I should
be at the forums home page instead.

I then go to the bugzilla page, ask to login, which gets me to
and my password is not filled in, ie, FF does again not remember my
password at bugzilla.

The forum page does remember my login.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Thank you for the catch on Bugzilla! It should not be using that URL for logout, and I will request that it be changed.

The Novell login page is set to not allow autocomplete, which is why your browser doesn’t ask you to save your credentials. The SUSE login page used to have that restriction, but I removed it. That’s why it will ask you to save your password. I’m going to ask our marketing department about removing that restriction from the Novell login page as well. If you want your browser to store you credentials, I think you should be allowed to.

On 2012-12-13 00:06, MatthewEhle wrote:

> Thank you for the catch on Bugzilla! It should not be using that URL
> for logout, and I will request that it be changed.

I thought so.

> The Novell login page is set to not allow autocomplete, which is why
> your browser doesn’t ask you to save your credentials. The SUSE login
> page used to have that restriction, but I removed it. That’s why it
> will ask you to save your password. I’m going to ask our marketing
> department about removing that restriction from the Novell login page as
> well. If you want your browser to store you credentials, I think you
> should be allowed to.

I see.

In my case it is stored under a local, strong, password. If I can store
my bank passwords (which I don’t), why not Novell password? :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

My thoughts exactly. As much as I am very into good security, there’s no reason to not allow people to store their own passwords. People can choose to protect it, as you have, or choose to not store it at all.

I have made the change to the Novell login page, in case you haven’t noticed it already. I think you should be all set there.

Yes, the same annoyance here, except that I am using the firefox builtin password manager, rather than Kwallet. An advance announcement would have been a good idea.

Hello. I can’t change my e-mail address in this forum. I already used my old and new password. This error appears: “The password you have entered does not match your current one. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don’t forget that the password is case sensitive.” My e-mail change in the Novell/Attachmate page was successful.

See this item in the forum FAQ and follow the instructions there:

Kim - 7/9/2013 9:46:26 AM

Wow. Thanks for the help. I should’ve RTFFAQ. :slight_smile:

Hey noeyx,

>I should’ve RTFFAQ.


Kim - 7/10/2013 8:20:46 AM