Network Printer Setup

Hello Folks,

I was hoping someone could help me find an easy tutorial or help via this post in getting my network printer setup.

I recently re-installed Leap 42.1 with the Gnome DE. The network printer is a Brother MFC-J430W which is connected to my wireless network. When I installed Leap I also downloaded and installed the drivers for the printer from Brother so they are in place.

I tried using the Printers utility in Gnome Settings and when searching the printer was not found. After reading a few articles on this forum I got to thinking the firewall was blocking my search. I turned off the firewall in YaST then tried the search again and my printer was found. I added the printer and tried to print a test page which did not print. The print queue said Processing and just sat there.

I tried using YaST to setup the printer and the more Wiki’s and forum posts I read the more confused I got which leads to this post.

Questions being:

  1. How do I add a rule to the firewall settings that allow me to see the printer?
  2. How can I figure out why my test page wouldn’t print?
  3. Or do I need to use YaST to configure the printer and if yes, is there a good tutorial to follow?

Thanks in advance for the help!

I tend to use the CUPS web interface via my browser…
but if you prefer YaST these might be helpful to you

Can you show us the output of the following?

lpinfo -v

To see what is happening when you’re sending a print job, take a look at the CUPS error_log in a terminal and then try to print a test page

sudo tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log

Assuming that you have a small private LAN/WLAN behind a (DSL?) Router, simply set-up the LAN/WLAN interface to the Firewall’s “Internal Zone” and deselect the " Protect Firewall from Internal Zone" check-box with the following caveat:*By deselecting Protect Firewall from Internal Zone, you remove protection from the zone. All services and ports in your internal network will be unprotected.
You should also check the AppArmour and Security-Center configurations.

deano_ferrari’s answer: ‘sudo tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log’

I’ve found that if YaST is used to set-up network printers then, the (private) IP address which the Router assigned to the printer needs to be used to establish the initial connection.
And, you also need to make sure that the Router’s DHCP always assigns the same IP address to that Printer’s MAC address.


I followed the last set of directions per the answer to question #1 that I asked. Printing works wonderfully with no errors or hitches!

Thanks so much for the help!!!

Configuring by IP address is generally the most robust way to get a network printer working. Printer discovery methods used by CUPS network backends rely on any active firewall being configured to allow broadcasts from network printers on using particular ports, and some are using proprietary protocols eg Canon’s BJNP network protocol. Disabling the firewall during printer configuration can be helpful when trying to use ‘automatic’ discovery.

This helped me find my wireless Canon M3550, thanks

GordB (formerly gabbman)

I have best solution of your problem (your paper is stuck in printing queue but it do not give any print result). Following are some suggestions that you could use to fix this issue. You can get best answer of your other questions in Brother MFC-J430W Manual because these questions require respective setting options for result that you will get properly in manual.

  • Look in the printing queue window
  • If there are any documents in there, press Printer in the menu bar and Cancel all Documents. If some documents will not remove from the queue, continue.
  • Download this program, called Printer Flush.
  • Run the program and if your antivirus blocks it, allow it as an exception
  • A black window will appear for a few seconds, then disappear > This will reset the printer components > Now try to print again
  • If it still doesn’t print, restart the computer and then try to print.