Looking for help about install and share a Brother QL-570 label printer

I have a small label printer, a Brother QL-570 that I usually connect on my macbook to print label using the P-Touch software.
I’d like to connect the printer an my tumbleweed workstation via USB and then share it over network.
All my effort without any result.
I’ve installed the official linux drivers from Brother website; i choose rpm over deb:

➜  ~ rpm -qa | grep ql570

restarted cups.

From Yast printer I can see the printer:

Then from via Network I’m using the default ‘accept all announcements from everywhere’

From Share printers:

Clicking OK restart the CUPS server.
I can see from my macbook that the printer is available and shared across the network via bonjour, but I get this error:

If I click continue, the printer is created but doesn’t work.

The other 2 routes I followed were:

  • use KDE setting > printers to manage the printer
  • localhost:631 and manage the printer via CUPS directly

in all these cases:

  • I cannot print from tumbleweed (the printer led is blinking red)
  • I cannot print from my macbook and identify the shared printer

Suggestions will be very appreciated!

Have you installed the 32bit libusb and glibc-32bit?

Or is your Tumbleweed a 32bit Installation?

I have these packages installed:

➜  ~ sudo zypper se libusb | grep 32bit
   | libusb-0_1-4-32bit            | libusb-1.0 Compatibility Library for libusb-0.1                          | package
i  | libusb-1_0-0-32bit            | USB Library                                                              | package
   | libusb-1_0-devel-32bit        | USB Library                                                              | package
   | libusbmuxd-2_0-6-32bit        | A client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices        | package
➜  ~ sudo zypper se glibc-32bit                  
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name        | Summary                                            | Type
i+ | glibc-32bit | Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library) | package
➜  ~ 

I do not know, but maybe you need this one?

Thanks, I tried but still no success.
I found the brother_ql project on github but it looks like is not mainteined anymore. I tried to install but I get lot of errors and I’m not a python export.
I think I’m giving up and use it from my macbook.
But thanks for your suggestion.

Does the Printer works with USB?

After investigating a bit:

  • from my tumbleweed workstation I managed to print something with Inkscape, but even if the printer dialog show me all the features (e.g. paper size, cutting option etc) it doesn’t print correctly and result is not predictable.
  • even if the printer is shared via network, the p-touch software is not able to discover it

First you should get it ready with USB Connection.


openSUSE uses template “patterns-base-32bit”.
It includes (?)


among others.

For USB:


Perhaps the P-Touch software will run in wine ok?

Thanks to you link I’ve found some instructions. But I stopped at the first step:

Pre-required procedures

For openSUSE 10.3 or earlier
Related distributions
openSUSE 10.3 or earlier
Related products/drivers
cupswrapper printer/PC-FAX drivers
lppasswd -g sys -a root” command is required before the installation.
(Setting the root password is required before you can issue this command.)

lppasswd doesn’t exist:

➜  ~ zypper se --provides --match-exact lppasswd
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
No matching items found.


➜  ~ sudo find / -name lppasswd
find: File system loop detected; ‘/.snapshots/1401/snapshot’ is part of the same file system loop as ‘/’.
find: ‘/proc/4559/task/19450’: No such file or directory
find: ‘/run/user/1000/doc’: Permission denied
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied

You’re trying to use very old instruction, you need to accommodate it.
Skip “lppasswd -g sys -a root” command.

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