KDE 4.1 beta2

hi, its like this, zoom out of desktop, then click that same plasmoid on the side of the screen and then add activity.

yeah the title bar stripes r great though and so is the suse theme :slight_smile:

when I zoom out the desktop by using the yellow turd my desktop always goes haywire and turns into a tiny tiny chessboard removing my wallpaper and widgets staying that way until i kill -HUP X


oh u might be facing another problem, when I zoom out I get a chess board with a desktop on it as a small preview and I can still click the yellow widget and I have an option to zoom back into the desktop or add an activity.

The activity is kind of like another desktop that appears

I have finally found some bugs in kde 4.1 :smiley:

downloading new plasmoids crashes kde and dolphin is very slowly in selecting file for example my desktops folder has like 400 desktop pictures and as soon as I enter it dolphin slows down but in konqueror it works fine :slight_smile:

Here is a screenshot:



browsing through network folders crashes dolphin too as well as olders with really big files. nautilus works fine there.

playing video over the network only works properly when cifs mounted not through dolphin network mount

adding widgets crashes plasma/panel

gtk-qt-theme does not work very well or consistently

(gtk) tray icons are messed up often

panel items cannot be moved


thanks and I was just starting to feel happy right now that there were only 2 bugsā€¦ :smiley:

I did the 4.0.84 updates today and all is good.

A few ā€œplasmoidsā€ (is that what they are called?) needed resizing, ie logout and pager, but everything else is fine.

The main menu panel now has rounded corners (nice one).

There was a Kmix update, so Iā€™m hoping the key-forgetting problem has been addressed.

I had to remove kpim, kaddressbook, and kmail, but I donā€™t use those anyway, so no biggie for me :).

Still no idea what that ā€œzoom in/outā€ thing is for though ƶ_Ɩ.

same problem here, it seems like every single update is making me remove a couple more programs :confused:

I do not have KDE 4.1 Beta 2 and this post is in no way related to this thread but DAM thatā€™s a nice desktop!

Just had to post it. Where did you get that image?
Please donā€™t tell me ā€œit comes with OpenSUSE 11.0 so just find it!ā€ :smiley:

Must give KDE 4 a try. Still running KDE 3.5.9 since itā€™s nice and stable.

I do not have KDE 4.1 Beta 2 and this post is in no way related to this thread but DAM thatā€™s a nice desktop!

Just had to post it. Where did you get that image?
Please donā€™t tell me ā€œit comes with OpenSUSE 11.0 so just find it!ā€

Must give KDE 4 a try. Still running KDE 3.5.9 since itā€™s nice and stable.

Hi, u can find desktop backgrounds on my blog here:

Some wallpapersā€¦ā€¦. Ā« Snakeeyes Weblog

Thanks, will do :slight_smile:

Alright so anyone switched to kde 4 only apps and remove all kde 3 stuff.

I just tried amarok kde4 and it was horrible :eek:

I use Audacious anyway :slight_smile:

I want to remove kdebase3 but the only issue left is with k3b, anyone knows how k3b-kde4 is?

Otherwise kde 4 just keeps getting more and more stable

True. There are many improvements from the first Beta, but is yet unstableā€¦ i hope that all those problems will be fixed in the final, stable release.:rolleyes:

@ snakeeyes
kde4-k3b crashes for me whenever i try to burn anything.

iā€™m using brasero in the meantime.

thanks, I will install brasero as well then

has anyone noticed with the latest updates kde 3 programs like knetworkmanager and kpowersave donā€™t load on startup? :eek:

can someone confirm this please?

No body has the kde 3 apps startup problem? :eek::rolleyes:

problem fixed, uninstalling kdebase3 caused the problem and its fine now :slight_smile:

Anyone noticed that wobbly windows donā€™t have have wobbly shadows behind them? :rolleyes: