I have installed a Web and LAMP server with Yast
I also have installed phpMyAdmin.
But how can I get access there is no phpMyAdmin folder under srv/www/htdocs/
The package from Leap installs the phpMyAdmin.conf file under /etc/apache2/conf.d.
# By default the /phpMyAdmin Alias is enabled for all vhosts.
# To disable the /phpMyAdmin Alias, run
# a2enflag -d phpMyAdmin && rcapache2 restart
# This will make /phpMyAdmin unavailable on any vhosts.
# If you want to have the /phpMyAdmin Alias only on a specific
# vhost, add the Alias to the config of that vhost.
<IfDefine phpMyAdmin>
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
Alias /phpMyAdmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin
<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin>
phpMyAdmin is located in /usr/share/phpMyAdmin.
It is a web gui for mysql. Why do you want to access it on the file system? Open phpMyAdmin in your browser.
I wanted to make another database for a webserver
But I cannot start phpmyadmin
Thanks for starting the mariaDB sql
how to start phpMyadmin
You need to run the apache webserver, with the example file in place. You can do so by using the YaST http server module. Then go to localhost:/phpmyadmin
Werbserver works mariadb start phpmyadmin is installed bij Yast.
But http:// localhost:/phpmyadmin does not work: error 404
That is a :
to much. And also a
(blank space).
Henk is right. Sorry
Is still giving an error
While http://localhost/info.php
Is working and shows php information
I did not read that just installed phpmyadmin by Yast how should ik know that?
phpMyAdmin is basically an interactive website. No executable. Follow the instructions in post #2 and go to the URL we gave you.
I don t understand the url adress you gave gives an error 404
How can i get access to phpMyAdmin.
Why is this changed.
Is the apache2 webserver running? You can check by going to http://locathost . It should say “It works!”
Or run sudo systemctl status apache2.service
Edit: forget this one, the webserver runs, otherwise info.php would not have worked.
Did you create a vhost for phpMyAdmin ?
Yes it works and php works also.
Sorry i am no programmer i just want to make a new database to setup a new wordpress website. Should be no problem i have done that so many times with phpmyadmin but now it all changed.
OK, I did this:
Installed the lamp pattern
Installed phpMyAdmin
In YaST Security and Users - Firewall I opened the apache2 port
In YaST Services manager configured apache2
and mariadb
to start and to start at boot
Created a small index.html
in /srv/www/htdocs
, containing:
Test gelukt
checked http://localhost, “Test gelukt” is there.
checked http://localhost/phpMyAdmin, result:
With this, things have changed indeed. No need for a vhost. Your issue most likely was the firewall.
PS, I was just giving a proof of concept, not the mysql/mariadb setup