how to install codec - offline

recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my home pc. since i dont have a net connection at home my only option to enable multimedia codec and other restricted format is to download from other (office) computer and install it on my home pc. unfortunatly i am not able to find a package with out dependency.

i also use ubuntu 9.10 along side. i usually download ubuntu_restricted_extras_offline_installer from here How to Install Multimedia Codecs,Adobe Flash,JRE,VLC Media Player without Internet connection (Offline) in Ubuntu 9.10/9.04/8.10 | Ubuntu Geek

is there any package like “ubuntu_restricted_extras_offline_installer” installer for opensuse???

In our new users please read faq for 11.2:
NEW Users - Suse-11.2 Pre-installation – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums

there is reference in post#4 to this URL: Multimedia Pack Portable for openSUSE 11.2 - openSUSE Forums where user Easgs has packaged codecs and mediaplayers for openSUSE. You just need to download it from an Internet cafe, and then install at your leisure.

Thank you. It works like a charm.