How to install avidemux?

Hi everybody.
Tell me, what happens with avidemux? How to solve this problem?
I need this tool …

~>LC_ALL=C sudo zypper in avidemux3-qt5 avidemux3
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...                                                                                                 
Resolving package dependencies...                                                                                              
2 Problems:                                                                                                                    
Problem: nothing provides needed by avidemux3-qt5-2.7.0-4.1.x86_64                                     
Problem: nothing provides needed by avidemux3-cli-2.7.0-4.1.x86_64  
Problem: nothing provides needed by avidemux3-qt5-2.7.0-4.1.x86_64                  
 Solution 1: do not install avidemux3-qt5-2.7.0-4.1.x86_64                                                               
 Solution 2: break avidemux3-qt5-2.7.0-4.1.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies 
**Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/s/r/c] (c): **c
~> LC_ALL=C sudo zypper in avidemux               
Loading repository data...                                                                                   
Reading installed packages...                                                                                    
Resolving package dependencies... 
Problem: nothing provides needed by avidemux-2.5.6-9012.8.x86_64                        
 Solution 1: do not install avidemux-2.5.6-9012.8.x86_64                                                            
 Solution 2: break avidemux-2.5.6-9012.8.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies
**Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): **c

~> LC_ALL=C cat /etc/os-release
NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
# VERSION="20180404"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"

Well, both versions fail to build on Tumbleweed currently, so they have not been rebuilt against current snapshots and still require older libs that are no longer available in the repos.

You need to wait until somebody fixes it, maybe report the problem on the Packman mailinglist, although they are probably aware of that already anyway I suppose.

While you wait there are a couple of options.

The simplest is to install a distribution that has the package on a virtual machine using kvm or VirtualBox. When it is available on TW you can delete the image.

The other would be to use docker and but I don’t recommend docker if you are using btrfs due to issues with rolling back.

Strange, I have Avidemux-qt5 installed in Tumbleweed and it has not caused me any dependency

No, that’s not strange.

You installed it when those libraries were still available, so you have those libraries installed and the dependencies are satisfied.
But those libraries are not in the repo anymore, so they (and avidemux as a consequence) cannot be installed fresh.

If you look in YaST (or run e.g. “zypper se -s libx265”), you will see that those packages are installed but are not in any repo (they are listed as “System packages”).

Yes there is an old libx265

enziosavio@linux-area51:~> zypper se -s libx265
Caricamento dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...

S  | Nome                        | Tipo      | Versione | Arch.  | Repository            
i+ | libx265-146                 | pacchetto | 2.6-2.1  | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)
i+ | libx265-151                 | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | x86_64 | packman               
v  | libx265-151                 | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | i586   | packman               
   | libx265-151-32bit           | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | x86_64 | packman               
   | libx265-151-32bit-debuginfo | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | x86_64 | packman               
   | libx265-151-debuginfo       | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | x86_64 | packman               
   | libx265-151-debuginfo       | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | i586   | packman               
   | libx265-devel               | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | x86_64 | packman               
   | libx265-devel               | pacchetto | 2.7-2.6  | i586   | packman               

Try this, if you create dependencies, do not install it

One week ago avidemux was removed from my system during zypper dup .
It’s strange that you managed to keep this package.

I do not know what to say, looking at the date it was installed on 04 March 2018

Sure, “zypper dup” can (and does) remove packages in case of conflicts.
I cannot say why you “lost” it and enziosavio not.
Maybe he uses “zypper up” to update? :wink: That’s strongly discouraged though…
Although, I do think “zypper dup” would not remove an installed package just because it’s no longer in the repos.

In any case, you should indeed be able to install avidemux3 if you install the old libx265-146 from 42.2 as enziosavio suggested. But you’d need libx264-148 as well.

(do not add the repo, just install those two packages)

I don’t see any possible problems with that (as a temporary workaround until it’s fixed), the different versions are co-installable so other software will just continue to use the latest ones.

For avidemux 2.5 you’d need libvpx4, but I don’t see an installable version of that anywhere…
It’s part of the distribution, not Packman, and Leap 42 only has libvpx1.
(If you are really adventurous, you could try to install the avidemux package and libvpx1 for 42.3, but there may be other missing dependencies then)

PS: the build failure seems to be , which apparently has been fixed upstream already.
So it should build again with the next version at the latest, but it shouldn’t be a problem to backport the fix to the current packages.

I’ll probably write an email to Packman myself with this information after lunch… :wink:

Yes, it works great. Solved:

alex@linux-yz6z:~> LC_ALL=C sudo zypper in avidemux3-qt5 avidemux3
[sudo] password for root: 
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 8 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  avidemux3 avidemux3-qt5 libaften0 libdcaenc0 libvapoursynth-43 libvapoursynth-script0 libzimg2 python3-vapoursynth

8 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 6.5 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 21.1 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): y

But I have a similar problem … and this problem arose after zypper dup also. I’m starting to be afraid of Tumbleweed updates. :frowning:

Well, Tumbleweed is a rolling distribution and constantly being updated. That’s the sole purpose for its existance…
But this can cause problems especially with 3rd party repos (and/or proprietary stuff), which may not be able to keep up to the latest and greatest all the time.

If you want to avoid that, stick to the more conservative Leap, which is frozen after release and only gets bugfix and security updates.

Use zypper dup or Yast to update.
But I always check what is proposed by Yast and Zypper, and if I want to uninstall some software to update a library or an encoder, I give up waiting a few days to update it

FYI, the package builds for Tumbleweed have been fixed meanwhile:

So there should be a new version available soon (some hours, depending on the mirror you use) that is built against the latest libx264/libx265/libvpx5. You should be able to uninstall the old 42.2 packages again then.
Problems with installing it fresh should also be gone then.

I moved from Leap to Tumbleweed because of problems with rails. :shame:

Rails are distributed under the license of MIT, this is a free software. And I installed Rails from official repositories Tumbleweed…

Well, I haven’t read that thread, but it seems you want/need a newer rails (and ruby) than included in Leap 42.3.

But exactly that (having the latest versions all the time) can cause problems by itself like this thread shows, especially if you rely on 3rd party stuff not part of the distribution itself.
(although, as written, avidemux has been fixed meanwhile)

You have to decide yourself what you prefer.

Just a hint: Leap 15.0 is going to be released soon (and should already be quite usable/stable) which contains of course very recent versions of everything.

Do I need to explicitly remove these packages? How to do it? I do not see these packages on the system:

alex@linux-yz6z:~> LC_ALL=C zypper info libx264-148-0.148svn20170816-1.2.x86_64
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
package 'libx264-148-0.148svn20170816-1.2.x86_64' not found.

alex@linux-yz6z:~> LC_ALL=C zypper info libx265-146-2.6-1.2.x86_64
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
package 'libx265-146-2.6-1.2.x86_64' not found.

You don’t need to really, but they are pointless to have, they will only sit around unused on your harddisk.

How to do it?

Use YaST->Software Management, or run one of these:

sudo zypper rm libx264-148 libx265-146
sudo rpm -e libx264-148 libx265-146

I do not see these packages on the system:

alex@linux-yz6z:~> LC_ALL=C zypper info libx264-148-0.148svn20170816-1.2.x86_64
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
package 'libx264-148-0.148svn20170816-1.2.x86_64' not found.

alex@linux-yz6z:~> LC_ALL=C zypper info libx265-146-2.6-1.2.x86_64
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
package ‘libx265-146-2.6-1.2.x86_64’ not found.

The package names are libx264-148 and libx264-146 respectively. “zypper info libx264-148” and “zypper info libx264-146” should show them if they are still installed.
To search for installed packages, you can use something like:

zypper se -si libx264

(the ‘i’ option restricts the search results to installed packages, the ‘s’ shows more details, you can omit either if you want; see also “zypper se --help”)

Strange avidemux3 problem… I can not transform video from mkv to avi.

================================================= ===
================================================= ===
4CC codec: AVC1
Image size: 720 x 400
Aspect ratio: 1: 1 (1: 1)
Sampling rate: 25,000 frames / s
Duration: 00: 49: 15,200

================================================= ===
Additional video properties
================================================= ===
Additional data size: 47
Additional data: 01 64 00 29 FF E1 00 1D 67 64

================================================= ===
================================================= ===
Codec: AC3
Channels: Stereo
Bitrate: 24000 Bps / 192 kbps
Sampling rate: 48000 Hz
Duration: 00: 49: 15,216

I get this error:

** at line 0, file ??**

Any ideas?

LC_ALL=C zypper info avidemux3
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Information for package avidemux3:
Repository     : Packman Repository                           
Name           : avidemux3                                    
Version        : 2.7.1-1.14                                   
Arch           : x86_64                                       
Vendor         :                
Installed Size : 14.3 MiB                                     
Installed      : Yes                                          
Status         : up-to-date                                   
Source package : avidemux3-2.7.1-1.14.src                     
Summary        : Graphical video editing and transcoding tool