How do I resize boot screens from 1024x768 to 1280x800?

I have a widescreen laptop and it looks really weird to have all these black bars. Is there a way to change the boot screens (not GRUB, but the loading splash screen and the startup messages screen) from 1024x768 to 1280x800? I have the actual desktop set at the right resolution (had to go into YaST > Hardware to fix it) but nothing happened to the boot screens.


You have to change the “vga=” option in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Not sure about the specific vga-code for 1280x800 though. for 1024x768 it’s “vga=0x317”.

Hmm… Does anyone know that code?

from the archives

1280x800 append “vga=0x368”

there must be, somewhere, a “complete list”…i’ve been looking for,
buy have not found the right vga= for my 1440x900 at 60 hz…

anyone know where the list is hidden??


i think this command may help (as root):

hwinfo --framebuffer

You should choose 16bit, if you want to you the splash screen and one more thing you need to do is :

mkinitrd -s 1280x800

I’ll try changing the vga first, but is that at 60Hz refresh rate? it’s an LCD screen on a laptop, so is 60Hz or whatever it is by default good?

have a look in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt on your pc/laptop might surprise you :cool:


ok editing menu.lst didn’t work, so I’m going to try those commands now.

Doesn’t work. This is what happens.

agi@linux-adr4:~> hwinfo --framebuffer
bash: hwinfo: command not found
agi@linux-adr4:~> kdesu hwinfo --framebuffer
kdesu: Unknown option 'framebuffer'.
kdesu: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.
agi@linux-adr4:~> mkinitrd -s 1280x800
bash: mkinitrd: command not found
agi@linux-adr4:~> kdesu mkinitrd -s 1280x800
kdesu(3784): Daemon not running -- nothing to stop

su to root then try the commands


What did I do wrong here? I’m completely new to openSUSE-- my only Linux experience is ubuntu for a few months and kubuntu for 2 days.

agi@linux-adr4:~> su agi
su: incorrect password
agi@linux-adr4:~> su agi
agi@linux-adr4:~> hwinfo --framebuffer
bash: hwinfo: command not found
agi@linux-adr4:~> mkinitrd -s 1280x800
bash: mkinitrd: command not found

Sorry I’m not so knowledgeable about this yet, but you may have to spell some things out for me.

1 ) open a console
2 ) type su & press enter
3 ) enter root’s password & press enter
4 ) enter commands you want & press enter
5 ) when finished,either close console,or type exit to quit root
job done :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! All these messages flashed by-- just tell me if I need to post them. I entered

hwinfo --framebuffer

first and a lot of modes with different resolutions and bits showed up. I didn’t know what to do so I entered

mkinitrd -s 1280x800

and then at the end it showed “Bootsplash: openSUSE (1280x800)”, so I think it worked. I’m going to restart now to make sure.

Also, I should and probably will make another thread about this, but since I installed the NVIDIA driver for my card, I always see an NVIDIA splash screen. It’s really annoying because it’s gray and ugly in the middle of all of this beautiful openSUSE green. Is there a way to get rid of that splash?

have a look in the nvidia folder ( i’m on my laptop which has ati graphics atm ) it should tell younthere how to get rid of the splash screen


I can’t find any folder that’s called nvidia. Where would it be? I showed hidden files in the home folder.

it will be somewhere in your root folder.failing that, run nvidia -config from a console,su to root first. i believe the option to disable the splash screen is there as well


linux-adr4:/home/agi # nvidia -config
bash: nvidia: command not found

That’s what happened. Yes, I did su to root

> have a look in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt on your
> pc/laptop might surprise you :cool:

thanks, but on my 10.3 there is no /usr/src/linux/ (/usr/src has two
folders, one named: /linux- and another named /packages

additionally no file named vesafb.txt is found on my hard drive…



> i think this command may help (as root):
> Code:
> --------------------
> hwinfo --framebuffer
> --------------------

ok, but there is no 1440x900 listed, now what?