i do alot of downloading via ed2k. I was previously using Emule for Windows. Could someone give me a linux substitute for this please as im not quite sure which is the linux version.
Also i would like to get compiz fusion working on my pc. Could someone help me with this…like where do i download it? Which version should i download, it simple to set up etc etc etc?
Also could anyone reccomend any other cool little apps i could take a look and and maybe give me a brief explanation on what it does.
I just added the repo to YaST and selected each component (yea i know the hard way). Do you know how to do that?
You can also open YaST->Software Management and search for libc. make sure that you check the box next to “RPM Provides”
Open YaST.
Type in your root password.
Click on Software Repositories.
Click the ADD button (bottom left).
Click on the Specify URL radio button (very last in the list)
Give a name (something like Compiz)
Copy and paste this URL: Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_10.3
Click next.
Click finish.
Now go into Software Management (still in YaST).
In the Filter drop down (the very top-right) choose repositories.
A list of repos shows up below the filter drop down. Scroll and/or click on the one you just added. on the left side is a list of packages.
Click on the appropriate packages.
( I have compiz, compiz-bcop, compiz-settings-manager, compiz-emerald, compiz-emerald-themes, compiz-fusion-kde, compiz-fusion-plugins(all but main-devel), compiz-kde, compiz-manager, fusion-icon, libcompizconfig(all but devel), python-compizconfig)
i got up to the part where i had to copy and paste the link in. When i do this its bringing up an error. "Unable to create repository from URL ‘Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/OpenSuse 10.3’ URL Sceme is a required component. Try Again?.. Yes or No…
If i click yes it just goes through the same process. Any ideas.
Nice one mate. Sorted it. I am just installing it and seems easy enough although it doesnt actually tell you what each other plugins do etc and also alot of plugins it wont let me install. It gives me the same error message. Any chance of helping me out with that so i can get all the Compiz plugins installed. Cheers
Also is there a part what tells me what each one does?
Run fusion-icon and that will start it up. From the system tray icon you can easily turn Compiz on or off, switch window managers, select an Emerald theme, etc.
If you use KDE you can put a symlink in /home/foo/.kde/Autostart to have fusion-icon start every time. For instance, open up yakuake (or some other lesser console program)
cd /home/foo/.kde/Autostart
ln -s /usr/bin/fusion-icon fusion-icon
What are your error messeges?
How do you start it?
There are some plugins that only work when others are disabled. They perform similar jobs and can not be both enabled at the same time.
Which plugins in particular are you looking for?