Happy Daze mid Nineties


The good old days when life was simple, and a three and half inch floppy was enough for anyone.

I rather suspect I was on Windows 3.0 aand OS/2 annnd SuSE 6.2 along with DR DOS 6 and unremembered MS dos version.


Yeah, these were the days, when men were men and patches to the code were applied physically sewing them (stencilled on mammoth hide, of course).

SUSE was my second distro, after a Debian. Can’t recall the version, but it was a 0.something.

I had a dual boot (actually, “pental” boot, with 5 different OS) with Debian and SuSE. I liked SuSE because of KDE. Which back then did not have bugs, but a full entomology department. XD

Ah, and this StarOffice suite.



I bought an optical disc, in the far east (Asia) that has StarOffice on for OS2, Microsoft and Linux, cost about a quid and seemed good value considering the speed and cost of a download back then.

I started with a version of caldera that needed the RAMDAC and refresh rate of the monitor in the hope of matching it.

SuSE 7.X was quite an expensive OS, but it did come with telephone support, which I used.

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check this out, it’s from 2023 :wink:
A Dutch user giving away Suse 7.1 in its box and all:

I had that one too. If I recall correctly I installed it on a Futjisu laptop.

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That’s neat you should hang on to those! well obviously you have LOL You should continue to hang on to those! :smiley:

I briefly tried Slackware in those days. That was my first Linux. I had a 9600 baud modem on a rural phone line that worked very poorly. Downloading all those floppies was frustrating and kind of turned me off.

OS/2 Warp was great IMHO. Ahead of its time. It wouldn’t run the games I wanted to play though.

So you saw that, huh? :grinning: Sadly no Dutch user wanted this! The only ones who responded to this wonderful piece of nerdy heritage already had multiple old versions at home. I installed it in 2020 on a very old laptop I had. Being SUSE it still worked although at first I forgot how to setup the X-server. :rofl: