Have a look at gl.inet.com I’ve used a number of the GL MT300N V2 Mango devices for ethernet to wireless I configure them as a wifi client bridge and run them off the USB port for power.
I found a TP-LInk ethernet to wireless with 4 ports at goodwill(thrift),
I think the 2.5 gig light has two bars, if I turn it on. I can’t get it to work. ?? I have two different people letting me use their wireless routers. I have user account info.
It shouldn’t need drivers. I don’t have the model # at the moment, but I can get it in a few hours.
I’ve read online how get this tech working and read the manual startup, but nothing works.
I’ll read the forums sticky posts to see if they can help me.
I need basic instructions for ethernet to wireless bridge. This unit could be defective.
A wireless access point (WAP) is a networking device that allows wireless-capable devices to connect to a wired network. It is simpler and easier to install WAPs to connect all the computers or devices in your network than to use wires and cables.
Access points can be configured as root or non-root bridges to join multiple networks. An access point in this role will establish a wireless link with a non-root bridge. Traffic is then passed over the wireless link to the wired network.
Wireless access points (APs or WAPs) are networking devices that allow Wi-Fi devices to connect to a wired network. They form wireless local-area networks (WLANs).
It has number lights 1 to 4 on the side. 2.5g meter(2 bars) and 5g meter.
Netgear Universal Dual Band WIFI Range Extender
Power switch on
computer <–> ethernet cable <–> WIFI Device (port #1)
router wifi <–> wifi device
Available WIFI:
one standard router (username and password)
some amazon firetv device(password only)
I’ve skimmed those websites. I’ll look in more detail soon.
I’ve tried to login to the extender, not working, using the link.
I found the manual online. I may have used the wrong hyperlink. There is something about finding the SSID on your network list. I couldn’t find the bash command to do that or in KDE → yast → network connections
The connection maybe too weak to use. There might be setting to fix that in the link page.
Also, I don’t have access to the wifi device at the moment. I left it somewhere else.
Note, I’m attempting to connect to router directly above me. The other is in the room left of that. The signal is only 2 bars - light 2.5g.
Given this router, can use the interface page to increase the signal strength? I have it in the best possible position I can.
A wall plug bridge wifi adapter is available for buying, if it uses the wires as wifi conduit. It might give more signal strength. ?
The radio shack WIFI to Ethernet repeater is working. I think I turned off the repeater function. After the setup, I had internet access again, the update icon was running.