best compatible wifi usb 3.0 adapter or ethernet to wifi adapter - kde

I need information on the best ‘opensuse 15.3’ compatible usb 3.0 wifi adapter for a currently offline system, at least 600mps.

wifi → usb 3.0
wifi → ethernet

Instructions on setup is needed too.


We are no consumers club. People can tell you what they have in use and what works, but they can not tell you what is “the best”.

Also, I asked which hardware is compatible with linux and 600mps wifi and USB 3.0

FWIW, I have used Realtek RTL8811CU 600Mbps USB 3.0 wifi adapters with openSUSE successfully.

Realtek and Intel chips work OK.
Mediatek chips often require new kernel.
Broadcom chips are not recommended due to closed drivers and firmwares.

Use this subforum for questions about WiFi.

Thanks to all. I’ll post again there.

I now have new hardware and I’m able to connect to the internet.

Thanks all for the help. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update.