Chromium update fails due to conflict in dependency

A recent chromium security update fails to install because of a dependency conflict. When I attempt to do this in Yast, here is the message:

opensSUSE-2016-1453-1.noarch conflicts with chromium.x86_64< 55.0.2883.75-99.2 provided by chromium-54.0.2840.100-91.1x86_64

Should I install with vendor change, or don’t install?

Please show output of

zypper lr -d

This should not happen.

the conflict will be because chromium wants to update to 55.xx but chromium-ffmpeg is still on 54.xx
Interestingly - doing the update in Yast>Software it automatically uninstalls chromium-ffmpeg - and when I later look in packman, chromium-ffmpeg has disappeared.
BUT . . . chromium still seems to have full multimedia support.
Has ffmpeg been incorporated directly into chromium? What’s the story here?

No, opposite – now it (chromium) uses the system installed version (of ffmpeg). There should be mention of this in the change log of the package update

(the good news / benefit of this is move is that there’ll be no more mis-matches between chromium updates and chromium-ffmpeg!)

excellent - that is good news.
Unfortunately the Plasma updater chokes on this update and it needs to be updated manually in Yast>Software.

I also noticed that pepperflash has been removed from packman . . . . and chromium now reports no flash support.
Not such a big problem though - can’t remember the last time I visited a site that still uses flash.

oh, I see.
It seems the chromium-pepperflash plugin has been obsoleted and we now need to install *flash-player-ppapi *

Well, apparently YaST and zypper “choke” on this update too, see the OP. PackageKit (which is distribution agnostic) just doesn’t support resolving conflicts manually by the user.

The reason is likely that chromium-ffmpeg comes from a different repo/vendor than chromium, and the package management (libzypp) doesn’t automatically replace a package from one repo/vendor to a package from a different one.

Unfortunate in this case (and I don’t think there can be anything done about it really), but that “vendor stickiness” is on purpose and preferable in general.

So as answer to the OP:
Yes, you should allow the vendor change, or uninstall chromium-ffmpeg manually before installing the update.

Though a similar conflict may also happen if you installed chromium from some 3rd party repo which hasn’t been updated (yet).
In that case you need to decide yourself which version you want to use.

I also noticed that pepperflash has been removed from packman . . . . and chromium now reports no flash support.
Not such a big problem though - can’t remember the last time I visited a site that still uses flash.

It has been replaced by flash-player-ppapi apparently:

There’s a bug report that it doesn’t work though:

I don’t have chromium installed, so I cannot tell.

It has been replaced by flash-player-ppapi apparently:

There’s a bug report that it doesn’t work though:

I don’t have chromium installed, so I cannot tell.[/QUOTE]

seems to be working OK here . . .
Chromium 55.0.2883…

It seems to work for me. Though I had to go through a bit of a dance with it:

  • Installed flash-player-ppapi yesterday. It required removing pepperflash
  • freshplayer plugin in Firefox no longer works … (player complains “failed to load …”)
  • Installed adobe’s flash-player (which provides plugin) … Firefox flash video works again … but adobe’s player sucks
  • uninstalled adobe flash-player. Re-installed freshplayerplugin … Fresh player automagically works in Firefox again (i.e. now correctly picking up the flash-player-ppapi) … and, oh, yeah, it (flash playback) works in chromium too :wink:
  • all is good

But Packman contains flash-player 24.0 now too, the exact same version as flash-player-ppapi (it’s actually part of the same “source” package).

So is there actually still a need for freshplayer-plugin?
(never used that myself, I stick to the “official” flash-player from the standard 13.2 update repo)

For me, “chromium” is working fine.

I first saw the change on Tumbleweed. I went with the option to uninstall “chromium-ffmpeg”. And subsequent testing showed that all was fine with “chromium”.

When I saw the same update on Leap 42.2, I opted for the choice to uninstall “chromium-ffmpeg” – I think this was called a vendor change, though that seems a bit misleading.

Yesterday, in a “zypper up” (with 42.2), I saw “pepper-flash” removed, and regular flash updated. Testing, shows that flash is working fine with “chromium”. I do not have “flash-player-ppapi” installed. Instead, it looks as if the regular “flash-player” now has both an NPAPI and a PPAPI interface.

I’m not sure what “flash-player-ppapi” is for, since “chromium” is working without it. (I checked by playing a sudoku game that depends on flash, and that worked in “chromium”. Right-click on the game gave me adobe-flash information.

Problem solved on my end. Thanks for the feedback.

Here is what I did:

Yast > uninstalled “chromium-ffmpeg” . Yast automatically suggested downloading: chromium, libsnappy1, libre2.0 and libwebpdemux1. I accepted the suggestions. Then I performed the security update and it worked. I’ve opened the browser and it loads flash videos perfectly.

All is good. :slight_smile:

According to the package changelog, flash-player-ppapi was originally part of the flash-player package (when it was updated to 24.0), but got split out into its separate sub package later on:

Wed Dec 14 15:25:03 UTC 2016 -
- Separate PPAPI plugin into flash-player-ppapi: merged package
  creates issues for freshplayerplugin.
Tue Dec 13 16:17:00 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version
  * APSB16-39, CVE-2016-7867, CVE-2016-7868, CVE-2016-7869,
    CVE-2016-7870, CVE-2016-7871, CVE-2016-7872, CVE-2016-7873,
    CVE-2016-7874, CVE-2016-7875, CVE-2016-7876, CVE-2016-7877,
    CVE-2016-7878, CVE-2016-7879, CVE-2016-7880, CVE-2016-7881,
    CVE-2016-7890, CVE-2016-7892.
- Merge chromium-pepper-flash into this package (PPAPI plugin).
- Own /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/.
- Package the 24px flash-player-properties icon.
- Remove Flash_Player_12_0.pdf: package license.pdf instead.

So chances are that your flash support in chomium will “break” when you next install updates (installing flash-player-ppapi should fix it), unless flash-player-ppapi is pulled in automatically.

interesting . . . . for me there was no flash support in Chromium (using flash test page - reported no plugin found) until I installed flash-player-ppapi
The plugin info states . . .

flash-player-ppapi - Adobe Flash PPAPI Plugin

This package contains Adobe’s Flash Plugin for the PPAPI supporting Web browsers, like Chromium.

Thanks. I did notice a second update to flash. But my test of chromium flash was prior to that.

So it looks as if I will have to install flash-player-ppapi. But I’ll retest flash in chromium before installing.

Yes, there is. The Adobe player opens fullscreen flash at coordinate (0,0) of the display server’s Screen. Example:

M4 M3 
M1 M2
  • Monitors are in a grid like such above
  • M1 denotes primary monitor.
  • Three monitors are driven by adapter 1, one by adapter 2
  • contigous desktop is achieved through xrandr
  • contigous desktop’s Screen coordiantes start (i.e. (0,0)) at the top left corner of M4
  • Firefox can be on any monitor, but selecting fullscreen with the Adobe flash player will open from pt (0,0) … i.e. effectively placing it on M4

The same will likely be found on other multi-monitor setups (I addressed this complaint a while back … will try to find the thread…Found, see:

Whereas Freshplayer is more respectful and desirable in that it opens fullscreen flash on the monitor the browser is on

Chromium doesn’t have flash support and it doesn’t support netscape plugins (i.e. the “normal” flash-player) either, you do need the flash-player-ppapi package.

But as written in my previous post, the flash-player 24.0 package originally contained the chromium (ppapi) plugin too.
This got split out into the separate flash-player-ppapi later on.

nrickert did have flash-player installed, and it got updated to the original 24.0 package (with the ppapi plugin) when he installed updates yesterday I suppose.
That’s the reason why flash still works for him in chromium without flash-player-ppapi installed I think.

You apparently updated later (when the separate flash-player-ppapi package had been created) or didn’t have flash-player installed in the first place.

Okay. On retest, flash was broken in chromium. So I installed “flash-player-ppapi” and retested. And it is working again.

Ok, I thought if both are the exact same version, they should work exactly the same too… :wink:

Nothing that I would ever notice myself though anyway, as I only have one monitor. lol!

The same will likely be found on other multi-monitor setups (I addressed this complaint a while back … will try to find the thread).

But “a while back”, flash-player was still at version 11.2, not 24.0.
This may have been fixed in later flash-player versions.

And btw, both flash-players are by Adobe.
They just decided to only support Chromium/PPAPI (which apparently they took part in developing too), and not Firefox and others (NPAPI) any more (except for security fixes to 11.2).

Yes, yes, I’m aware of all that lol!

Nothing that I would ever notice myself though anyway, as I only have one monitor. lol!
yep, only noticeable on mulit-monitor scenario

But “a while back”, flash-player was still at version 11.2, not 24.0.
This may have been fixed in later flash-player versions.
Well, if you agree that “a while back” also includes testing this yesterday (though not specifically stated, see comment: “Firefox flash video works again … but adobe’s player sucks”) … in truth, I wasn’t specifically testing this. I just very quickly stumbled upon the behaviour being <talkingheadsmodeon>the same as it ever was</talkingheadsmodeoff>

Ok, I thought if both are the exact same version, they should work exactly the same too… :wink:

And btw, both flash-players are by Adobe.
Err, I think we’re talking past each other on some points. Adobe’s Flash Player plugin != Fresh player plugin