Can't play flash under Leap

Hello ;=)

Since Leap i can’t use flash correctly, I tried 3 different ways to make work, untill now it’s still ko as site says flash is too old with packman flash-player and other methods too , even if i’m using with a new profile in firefox.

All the following was working ok with 13.2 but now with Leap it doesn’t . can you help me understand why please ?

Thanks :wink:

1- pipelight : this used to be the better way for me in 13.2, now repo is not available for Leap, it tried it with 13.2 repo though, here’s the result : any tip to solve this ?

fabrice@openSUSE421:~> firefox -P
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] attached to process.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] checking environment variable PIPELIGHT_FLASH_CONFIG.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] searching for config file pipelight-flash.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/home/fabrice/.config/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/etc/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] sandbox not found or not installed!
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] using wine prefix directory /home/fabrice/.wine-pipelight.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] checking plugin installation - this might take some time.
[install-dependency] Downloading and running wine-flash-installer.
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] basicplugin.c:299:checkPluginInstallation(): Plugin installer did not run correctly (error occured).
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] basicplugin.c:116:attach(): plugin not correctly installed - aborting.
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Installer for wine-flash-installer did not run correctly or was aborted.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Execution of wine-flash-installer failed.
Performance warning: Async animation disabled because frame size (1260, 1330) is bigger than the viewport (1418, 828) or the visual rectangle (1260, 1330) is larger than the max allowable value (17895698) [div]
Vector smash protection is enabled.

2- pepper-flash : i’m trying another way with a brand new firefow profile :

fabrice@openSUSE421:~> su -
Mot de passe :
openSUSE421:~ # zypper rm pipelight
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following package is going to be REMOVED:

1 package to remove.
After the operation, 18.9 MiB will be freed.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): y
(1/1) Removing pipelight-0.2.8-6.64 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]

openSUSE421:~ # zypper in chromium-pepper-flash freshplayerplugin
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 2 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  chromium-pepper-flash freshplayerplugin

2 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 4.9 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 17.4 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y):
Retrieving package chromium-pepper-flash-                                                                                                                                         (1/2),   4.7 MiB ( 16.7 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: chromium-pepper-flash- ............................................................................................................................................................[done (689.9 KiB/s)]
Retrieving package freshplayerplugin-0.3.3-17.2.x86_64                                                                                                                                                 (2/2), 217.1 KiB (694.9 KiB unpacked)
Retrieving: freshplayerplugin-0.3.3-17.2.x86_64.rpm ..................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
Checking for file conflicts: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(1/2) Installing: chromium-pepper-flash- ...............................................................................................................................................................................[done]
(2/2) Installing: freshplayerplugin-0.3.3-17.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
openSUSE421:~ # logout
fabrice@openSUSE421:~> firefox -P
[fresh] [warning] failed to parse configuration file /home/fabrice/.config/freshwrapper.conf, trying /etc/freshwrapper.conf
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
IcedTea-Web plugin is using out-dated configuration
Performance warning: Async animation disabled because frame size (1260, 1268) is bigger than the viewport (1418, 828) or the visual rectangle (1260, 1268) is larger than the max allowable value (17895698) [div]
[Parent 10189] WARNING: pipe error: Relais brisé (pipe): file /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/mozilla/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/, line 760
[fresh] [warning] failed to parse configuration file /home/fabrice/.config/freshwrapper.conf, trying /etc/freshwrapper.conf
libva info: VA-API version 0.38.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/
libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
[fresh] [warning] ppb_var_var_to_utf8, 'var' is not a string, (0)
[fresh 10457] not implemented: PPB_OpenGLES2VertexArrayObject;1.0
[fresh 10457] not implemented: PPB_OpenGLES2DrawBuffers(Dev);1.0
Vector smash protection is enabled.
[fresh 10457] [PPB] {zilch} ppb_network_monitor_update_network_list
[fresh 10457] [PPB] {zilch} ppb_flash_set_instance_always_on_top instance=11, on_top=1
[fresh 10457] [PPB] {zilch} ppb_network_monitor_update_network_list

3- chromium :

fabrice@openSUSE421:~> chromium
[10982:10982:1206/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[10882:10902:1206/] Error obtaining KWallet handle
[1:1:1206/] MediaEvent: PIPELINE_ERROR demuxer: could not open
[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED
Vector smash protection is enabled.

you have way too much errors have you tried a new user
pipelight for leap is available from here

Hello :wink:

i removed pipelight and re-installed pipelight from the repo for Leap.

I created a new user for test purpose : No video is played, i can move in the site’s menus but videos are not played.

in chromium : it does not work, flash is said needed and shall be installed.

in firefox :
with freshplayer-plugin : error : flash is too old , or is needed

with pipelight : flash is asked for

you can see the result below , firefox as default and then with a brand new profile :

> firefox
Performance warning: Async animation disabled because frame size (1680, 1846) is bigger than the viewport (1890, 1118) or the visual rectangle (1680, 1846) is larger than the max allowable value (17895698) [div]

test@openSUSE421:~> firefox -P
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] attached to process.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] checking environment variable PIPELIGHT_FLASH_CONFIG.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] searching for config file pipelight-flash.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/home/test/.config/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/etc/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from '/usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-flash'.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] sandbox not found or not installed!
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] using wine prefix directory /home/test/.wine-pipelight.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] checking plugin installation - this might take some time.
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
[install-dependency] Downloading and running wine-flash-installer.
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Installer for wine-flash-installer did not run correctly or was aborted.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Execution of wine-flash-installer failed.
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] basicplugin.c:303:checkPluginInstallation(): Plugin installer did not run correctly (exitcode = 1).
[PIPELIGHT:LIN:flash] basicplugin.c:116:attach(): plugin not correctly installed - aborting.
Performance warning: Async animation disabled because frame size (1680, 1846) is bigger than the viewport (1890, 1118) or the visual rectangle (1680, 1846) is larger than the max allowable value (17895698) [div]

do you have pepper-flash from packman installed?
what’s your repo list post the output of zypper lr -d

I can go to that site and see a background ad video playing but as I’m not in France and can’t navigate French I can’t be of more help, maybe someone else

No problems here: if you only need Flash on Firefox, do the following:

  1. download flash player fromhere
  2. extract only
  3. copy it to /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/

sudo cp <your_extractdir>/ /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/

  1. restart Firefox and enjoy.

no don’t do that, mozilla has a habit of blocking older flash versions and if you install it manually there is a high probability that in a few months or weeks mozilla will block it, if you don’t have packman multimedia will not work so add packman and install flash from packman with zypper or yast, then you will get auto updates to flash and Firefox should run nicely.
It seams adobe released a newer version of flash, flash 20 is out, I’m not sure google published the appropriate pepper-flash yet as pepper-flash on packman is still, just wait a while till pepper-flash is updated and use freshplayerplugin from packman to get newer versions of flash on Firefox

here’s what i have :

> zypper se pepper-flash
Le dépôt 'X11:windowmanagers' n'est pas à jour. Vous pouvez lancer 'zypper refresh' en tant que root pour le mettre à jour.
Chargement des données du dépôt...
Lecture des paquets installés...

S | Nom                               | Résumé                                          | Type      
  | chromium-pepper-flash             | Chromium Flash player plugin                    | package   
  | chromium-pepper-flash             | Chromium Flash player plugin                    | srcpackage
  | chromium-pepper-flash-debugsource | Debug sources for package chromium-pepper-flash | package   
fabrice@openSUSE421:~> zypper info chromium-pepper-flash
Le dépôt 'X11:windowmanagers' n'est pas à jour. Vous pouvez lancer 'zypper refresh' en tant que root pour le mettre à jour.
Chargement des données du dépôt...
Lecture des paquets installés...

Informations sur package chromium-pepper-flash :
Dépôt : packman
Nom : chromium-pepper-flash
Version :
Arch : x86_64
Fabricant :
Installé : Non
État : non installée
Taille une fois installé : 16,7 MiB
Résumé : Chromium Flash player plugin
Description : 
  Pepper API based Adobe Flash plugin for Google's Open Source browser Chromium.
fabrice@openSUSE421:~> zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                               | Nom                                     | Activé | Vérification GPG | Rafraichir | Priorité | Type   | URI                                                                                                      | Service
 1 | Google-Chrome                       | Google-Chrome                           | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                                      |        
 2 | LibreOffice:Factory                 | LibreOffice                             | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                |        
 3 | X11:windowmanagers                  | X11:windowmanagers                      | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                        |        
 4 |          | openSUSE BuildService - Wine CVS Builds | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 5 |       | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla         | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                    |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 6 | google-talkplugin                   | google-talkplugin                       | Oui    | ( p) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 7 | | home:wolfi323:branches:KDE:Frameworks5  | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md | |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 8 | | system:packagemanager                   | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 9 | | systemsmanagement:machinery             | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |               |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
10 |       | Adobe Flash Plugin                      | Oui    | ( p) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                                             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
11 | non-oss                             | non-oss                                 | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | yast2  |                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
12 | openSUSE_12.2                       | amd-fglrx-legacy                        | Non    | ----             | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                              |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
13 | openSUSE_13.2                       | kde_frameworks5                         | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
14 | openSUSE_13.2_1                     | packman                                 | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
15 | openSUSE_13.2_10                    | kde_applications_extra                  | Non    | ----             | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
16 | openSUSE_13.2_2                     | Qt5                                     | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
17 | openSUSE_13.2_4                     | printing_openSUSE                       | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
18 | openSUSE_13.2_5                     | X11:Xorg                                | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
19 | openSUSE_13.2_6                     | windows:mingw:win32                     | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                           |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
20 | openSUSE_13.2_7                     | darkplayer_pipelight                    | Non    | ----             | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
21 | openSUSE_13.2_8                     | network_wicked_master                   | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
22 | openSUSE_13.2_9                     | kde_applications_421                    | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                          |        
23 |           | Libdvdcss Repository                    | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                                       |        
24 | oss                                 | oss                                     | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | yast2  |                                            |        
25 | pipelight                           | pipelight                               | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                     |        
26 | standard                            | kernel_stable_standard                  | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                |        
27 | update                              | update                                  | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                                                       |        
28 | windows:mingw:win64                 | windows:mingw:win64                     | Oui    | (r ) Oui         | Oui        |   99     | rpm-md |                           |        

Actually there are 4 options that i know off, i’ve tried all of them , i’m using one or the other , eg : i remove 0 to try 1, i remove 1 to try another one … :

0- default is flash-player (an old one)

1- firefox with fresplayeplugin and pepper flash

2- pipelight

3- chromium or chrome which should use the right version of flash for they’re updated by google

here even #3 does not work :frowning:

try and do a vendor switch to packman

zypper dup --from 14

Actually i did this previously due to gstreamer problems, i did this again and only one package was changed.

I never used pipelight but re-reading your error messages it seams pipelighght uses windows’s flash player, this isn’t a real flash issue but a pipelight issue, remove freshplayerplugin as it complicats maters even more and install the windows flash player under wine

[install-dependency] ERROR: Installer for wine-flash-installer did not run correctly or was aborted.
[install-dependency] ERROR: Execution of wine-flash-installer failed.

adobe is probably blocking flash leeching
try installing flash directly, go here

select win7 and flash for firefox, run the installer under wine, and try again.
Maybe you can re-ask your question as flash works fine, it’s pipelighght’s auto downloading of flash for windows that’s your problem.

here’s a link to adobe’s last flash for Firefox for windows
download it and install it with wine then try again

I would highly recommend installing freshplayerplugin. It will also download and install chromium-pepper-flash.
You will no longer get a message that flash is too old.

Before installing you must deinstall flash-player.

Hi :wink:

actually i’ve wine staging installed, what’s the difference with wine ?

> rpm -qa | grep -i wine

i saw some conflicts with wine files when i ran zypper ref && zypper up recently.

Do i need wine or wine staging and how can i solve these conflicts without loosing my installed games ?

Also something tha came when trying to launch wine :
as i was investingating wine i launched an old game i had installed years ago and now what is see on the screen is not as usual : everything is bigger than usual . Even after reboot.
How do i come back to the usual aspect of the screen ?

Thanks :wink:

do you really need pipelight?
doesn’t that page work with regular flash or pepper-flash with freshplayerplugin?
According to the pipelight devs you can not use regular wine you need a special patched version
afaik there is a wine version in the pipelight repository so you probably need to dup to it.

but I can’t think of a good reason to use the windows version of flash under wine under pipelight when you can use pepper-flash
I do belive the only good use for pipelight is for running silverlight, if you don’t use silverlight avoid pipelight,

You should reask this question as your problem is not with flash but with pipelight.

As i said above i’m trying various ways in order to be able to play videos from
But the 4 ways mentioned above do not work for the site either ask for flash player or say that a too old version is used (for example).
Pipelight is only of these ways i’m trying, and i’d not be using it if pepper flash or default flash (11.2) were working ok :wink: .

I’m already using the wine version from pipelight’s repo (wine staging), but there might be a conflict with wine as i saw a message about this.

I don’t speak french and I use regular flash 11.2 with Firefox that page does not crash for me, I can’t see any video tho this is what I get
Nous sommes désolé, cette vidéo ne peut être lue
en dehors du territoire français.
Si vous êtes en France et que vous recevez ce message, cliquez-ici

have you tried chromium+pepper-flash+chromium-ffmpeg?

unfortunately I can’t be of any real help :frowning:

In order for you to view something outside my country I install (for Firefox) and use the AnonymouX addon.
The only way to find out is to try it. Click here: AnonymouX
I would also recommend you install a translator addon so that you can read what people say in other languages.
I use the Google Translator for Firefox. Click here: Google Translator for Firefox

The French translation is:
We are sorry, this video can not be lueen français.Si outside the territory you are in France and you receive this message, click here

that’s the OP’s real issue he said Flash isn’t working under LEAP, but he should have said I can’t access this site, I have a vpn on my windows box and I loaded that site with flash disabeled Firefox plays html 5 video’s without flash, I’m thinking the OP is not in France, there’s nothing we can do about that, he can try AnonymouX for Firefox but the free version has limited bandwidth.

Understood. In comment 11, I recommended that he install freshplayerplugin.

My workaround the “wine” issue was to install Crossover from Codeweavers.
I purchased mine years ago when were just offering a way a Windows plugin for people to watch QuickTime videos.

There’s a trial download that supports many games, application, utilities and a number of games and applications
not mentioned on the website or marked as unsupported. A number of mine aren’t on the list but work great!
Their “wine” is more refined due to the fact that you have to purchase it with a guarantee.

They also have a custom GUI for easy installation.

Romanator, did you read above when i said i tried 4 ways and all are not working ? (including freshplayerplugin )

I_A : the message you saw said that you can’t read the file when not in france (to put it in a nutshell).

I read french , and i’m there too, therefore i have never seen such a message.

I guess that if you’re using a vpn it should be ok to play the files (?) , but it’s a different subject.

In 1st message above i said i’m trying on one site in particular, which is not working and is certainly not the only one in this case, thus being an interesting test case.

in a nutshell, that site does not need flash to work, it works with html5 too, it’s not a flash issue.
I have no idea why you can’t get it to work, maybe mixing regular flash, pepper-flash, windows-flash with pipelight was not the best idea, does that site have a support forum where you can get help?
You should remove all the extra flash-es and try html5, it could be they are detecting and blocking Linux from the browser User Agent, did you try using Chromium with chromium-ffmpeg from packman?