Can't install openSUSE on PS3

First of all hi, well I just recently i have been trying to install openSUSE 11.0 on my ps3 40GB I downloaded the iso and burned it to a DVD at full speed( dont know if that matters well after following the proses like explained in The ps3 boots to the otheros.bld and I select install I see the splash screen loading… and then >>> openSUSE <<< installation program v3.34lol!

starting udev… ok
loading drivers… ok

and it just stays stuck,>:( I have burned the iso to times and the same thing, i did notice something about a audio driver when loading otheros.bld may be thats the prob… ? is ther something I’m doing or not doing right ??:frowning:

same problem firmware 2.50 both with minicd or full release dvd :frowning: possibly the new firmware that they released
(i have already installed ydl6 if this can help)

I’ll see if my ps3 boots to opensuse 11 after performing the 2.5 update this afternoon and will post status to this thread.

ok thanks for ur feed back let me know how it goes : )

I have the same problem, but even worse i had a fully functional openSuSE 11.0 running before i have done the gameOS update (from 1.43 to 1.50). Afterwards the systems stops while booting. Also repair and installation kernel, from the same DVD as i have used before to install, fails to boot. I would be very happy if someone could help me, because i have bought the PS3 mainly for watching video and having a running SuSE Linux client for work on a big TV screen and less for gaming.

(I am not a Linux beginner, but the last time i had to hack and compile a kernel is a few month/years ago.)

I have the same problem. I had a fully functional install of 11.0, which now fails to complete boot after upgrading firmware at the weekend. looking into /var/log/messages, I can see a number of kernel error messages : lv1_gpu_context_attribute FB_BLIT failed: -24. ive no idea if that is related. it looked as though it got as far as initialising the wireless nic before it died.

following up on this : I can ssh into the PS3, but i find ps3fb running at 100% CPU. it looks like gnome-panel and nautilus are running, but i still see the boot log output on the screen. I dont seem to be able to kill -9 the ps3fb process - no response. possible related to the error messages :

Oct 22 21:07:22 linux-77dh kernel: ps3fb ioc0_01: ps3fb_sync_image: lv1_gpu_context_attribute FB_BLIT failed: -24
Oct 22 21:08:05 linux-77dh syslog-ng[1365]: last message repeated 701 times
Oct 22 21:08:05 linux-77dh kernel: ps3fb ioc0_01: ps3fb_sync_image: lv1_gpu_context_attribute FB_BLIT failed: -24

You can’t kill ps3fb, that’s the virtual framebuffer device that represents the GPU access.

Are you running in 1080p? Lowering resolution significantly lowers its CPU time. Before this firmware issue, I was running XFCE desktop in 720p with only 3% consistent CPU usage from ps3fb.

I installed 2.50 firmware, but still haven’t rebooted to Linux yet. Hoping to test within a few hours and will reply back.

Unfortunately I didn’t have any problems with my install after the 2.5 update. Boots like a charm, but this wasn’t a fresh installation - just pre-existing that booted fine.

In my case I originally used the minimal install CD (for network based install) with petitboot patched in, and my kernel is custom compiled from the kernel-source package.

PS3 - openSUSE
PS3 - openSUSE

My ps3 model is original 60gb, and may not have some of the issues that newer models do.

yeah i am having the same problem installing my suse 11.0 cant seem to track it down anybody have any ideas?

what happens, exactly, on your system when you run the installer? Did you try the minimal installer? Recent kernels compile to larger than the ps3 can handle, are you just getting a black screen?

the installer starts as normal geting the loading screen then get opensuse installation program v3.1.34

Start vdev… ok
Loading basic drivers… ok
then get the curser flash a few times then it just Freazes could not find the minimal istaller only got install, SLP, Resque in the menu options
any help would be great

Have the same problem. Can’t install OpenSuse 11 but I tried 10.3 and it works. Hope this will be fixed in 11.1.

I got a black screen just when i try to install SUSE 11 (start otheros for first time). I have the same problem with 10.3 which I had installed in the past with firmware older than 2.01. Now I got 2.50 and I can only istall YDL 5.0 or 6.0 but not SUSE 10.3 or 11. The installation looks like it works when I press ENTER but I cann’t see anything on screen (TFT LG 19" monitor). Any ideas ??? pls:’(

Many thanks for that i tryed installing 10.3 and its not fully working didn’t have anyproblems :smiley:

Same problem. Will this be fixed in a future release? Maybe at least give more debug information?

I’m having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution yet?

Yep, I just tried installing for the first time OpenSuse 11 and I too get stuck on the loading basic drivers…ok

I hope the latest firmware 2.52 is not locking other distributions out.>:( I will try Yellow dog 5.01 to see if this will install.

Any clues on getting OpenSuse 11 to work would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

I have newest firmware in my ps3 and was able to install 11.1b5, 11.0 failed.
I successfully have installed opensuse but can’t get it to boot without dvd reroute.
otheros bootloader sees opensuse but when i try to boot it i got just “failed”
I have added video mode to kboot file but doesn’t seem to help

Hi Guys,

I have been following this thread for a while now, and I too had the same problem with installation of OpenSuse 11.0 on my PS3.:frowning:

I tried installing 11.1b5 instead, and with some effort I was successful in getting it on my PS3.:slight_smile:
But I still have the same problem as the guy in last post has. When I try to boot the system, it fails to boot.:\ Then I have to insert the 11.1 DVD to get it up again.

Any ideas as to what could be the problem. I have a little doubt on the Kboot.conf config. But not sure. Has any one else faced the same problem and sorted it out yet?