April 2009 Screenshot Thread

Thought I would start the April thread off :slight_smile: Heres a preview of my laptop desktop bg. Still running good old KDE3.


Thanks for starting this one:



Yes, only old is good. Ouh, what is the current date? :stuck_out_tongue:

New KDE Live-CD Release Brings Back Desktop Functionality


Jokers playing poker!

Gnome 2.2.4
http://thumbnails9.imagebam.com/3148/049c4a31472733.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/049c4a31472733) http://thumbnails15.imagebam.com/3148/0d242e31472734.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/0d242e31472734)

http://thumbnails16.imagebam.com/3148/850ac331472779.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/850ac331472779) http://thumbnails9.imagebam.com/3148/114ffd31472782.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/114ffd31472782)

April xfce screeny

1st one is in GNOME with:
cairo-dock at bottom
g-desklet’s clock & customized calender
carbon-mine theme
2nd one is simply xfce just to show that it can be good also. lol!

This is the second one.

Not many changes this month, mostly the same :).

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Those are some nice wallpapers sahaittanmoy. Especially the second one. Looks almost real.

KDE 4.3 beta, nothing too fancy… default plasmoids.
Glowish plasma theme.

Black bar on the left is filler, since my dual monitor setup works on different resolutions… 1680x1050 and 1920x1200.
Also on the left are Thunderbird-ko and Firefox-ko and some oversized icons of the programs they’re representing :wink:

All very Girlie.
You have stuck with kde4.3 then. Risqué action girl. Excellent.:wink:

KDE 4.2.2, glasified theme and Brooklyn bridge wallpaper. I have the comic plasmoid running but pretty tame otherwise.


Another one for April with xfce 4.6:rolleyes:

I love that wallpaper, Conram. rotfl! Those eyes are priceless!



@ growbag:
Simple, but awesome.

Thought I would try a dark theme again. 11.1 w/Gnome 2.26.


I hope you have written that report already Axeia. /me points at the notepad lol

Hi all-- how do you post screenshots? Attaching the file doesn’t work for me, as the png is too large. Totally a noob quesiton, I know!
