April 2009 Screenshot Thread

Alot of the members are using free image hosting sites to post their screenshots up. Just do a Google search and youll find plenty of free image hosting sites. Than just link to them here on the forms with the tag.

This is one I use
ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

Copy and paste the BB code for the image into the forum

Thanks Penel and caf4926, it was easier than I thought… Maybe I’m just lazy tonight!

Gnome 2.22.1 on openSUSE 11.0

Free Image Hosting by ImageBam.com

:eek: That is so cleverly done! Well done Growbag! I’m going to try that sometime! rotfl!

Thanks, but sadly it’s a fake :(.

I was playing with a screenshot in GIMP when the idea of perspective capable plasmoids occurred to me.

I thought it was a really neat idea, and to try and fire a developers imagination I decided to post it on the forum.

It would certainly put KDE4 way ahead of any Microsoft offerings, and break the “look, I can do that too” cycle that keeps us a step behind.

I’m not a programmer, so I have no chance of doing it myself, but surely it could be done.

Regards :).

I’m sure thats something for the Brainstorm section on KDE-Look: Eyecandy for your KDE-Desktop - KDE-Look.org :wink:
Please submit it and I’ll vote for it!

Perspective Plasmoids KDE-Look.org

There you go Strahlex.

I tried to upload a screenshot, but it didn’t seem to work. I’m useless at those type of things :(.

But the download button works :).

Thanks, first time I saw it, I was hypnotized.

At growbag very nice screenshot. Wish it’s for real. Wish to see it can be done in the future releases, I might switch to kde 4.X

Thanks conram, I know it’s just eyecandy, but I think it really could bring a desktop to life.

I’ve always thought that seeing flat icons and things on a desktop looked a bit odd, especially when one has a wallpaper with depth, as in the screenshot.

I started a page on kdelook.org as Strahlex suggested, and have so far had a lot of positive response to it.

Who knows, miracles sometimes happen ;).


Simple, yet efficient. :slight_smile:

Picasa Web Albums - dale - SUSE screen s…
Here is a screenshot of a kde splash theme I am working on

There’s a program in Vista that let’s you do something similar to that. It’s called BumpTop. It’s almost like the inside of a desktop cube. You can put files on the three walls you see or you can stack them on top of each other and all sorts of crazy things.


It’s only for windows right now but you can opt to sign up to show interest in a port for linux down at the bottom right corner.


Here’s mine


There is one I use on winxp for long time that is 3D you walk one room to other room.
I will bring it up here:)


Well I fund it 3DNA - Home Pagebut is there like for suse one?:wink:


I think growbag’s screenshot is different coz the images followed the left and right vanishing points of a two point perspective. The effect is very natural.
What I had noticed in your link is it looks to me as an isometric projection or maybe a little bit of an aerial one point perspective view.

what do you think about that3DNA - Home Page I use it,it is very good one you can walk to other rooms and the room looks different.
growbag`s screenshot is very interesting and he saying it’s only for windows right now but you can opt to sign up to show interest in a port for linux down at the bottom right corner.

I was there at BumpTop and try to sign up,couldn`t find it:\

This is all of you if you like it BumpTopthere you can chose Linux or Mac.

Good luck


Nice background, geoff.

Wow! That 3dna desktop thing is wild :). Thanks for the link 1Michael1.

Maybe it’s time to upgrade to windows XP?

NOT! ;).