I’ve posted on the forum previously about the large number of package upgrades that will show up . . . in what is supposedly a rolling distro, and yet the behavior continues . . . . This morning, a mere week after the last upgrade was done in TW, the updater showed “2321” packages available to upgrade . . . should be “major system upgrade” . . . essentially moving from one kernel to the next iteration, 5.17.4 to 5.17.5???
I blithely began the process in the GUI console at 8:01 AM my local time . . . I went to eat breakfast in the other room. When I came back 20 mins later the computer had shut itself down??? I restarted the machine and logged into a TTY . . . seems like the packages up to “1803” were “in cache.” And the retrieval process went on from there . . . . The cursor returned, “Please reboot for best outcomes,” so I did–finish time on the upgrade was 10:01 AM. TW is the grub controller for my numerous linux installs and on reboot it took another “5 minutes” to get passed the “purging old kernels” command and into the GUI.
After I logged into the GUI and launched my browser . . . a few minutes later the package updater shows “204 packages available to upgrade”??? So, we have two hours of computer time to download and install 2321 packages . . . and minutes later yet another 204 yet to go???
My question, the same one I asked the last time TW had such large package upgrades, is why? Why, in a rolling distro do these balloon package upgrades show up, taking substantial computer time to run through, after which . . . the GUI is “the same as it ever was” . . . superficially it is identical in spite of all of that upgrading.
In very stark contrast, I recently upgraded my Lubuntu install from “jammy” to “kinetic” . . . and there apt found “192 packages available to upgrade.” I wonder aloud whether the whole system even has “2321 packages,” let alone needing to download and upgrade all of them to make a system change from, e.g., 22.04 to 22.10. I also have a Manjaro, rolling edition . . . usually package numbers are low . . . rarely getting into double digits–that to me is what “rolling” means.
I’m not a new user of TW, historically there wasn’t this huge number of packages to download and install, it’s only been in the last couple of years that every few weeks or months these huge numbers show up in the tubes, no apparent way to break them into “biteable” chunks??? Is this really necessary, or is it just “easier” for the upstream folke? Please advise.