12.1 Repository Issue - Refresh Process ???


I am running 12.1 64bit. I have recently run into a problem while trying to run software update in YAST. Apparently some of the repositories are no longer active or not responding. Is there a easy / standard process to have the system update the repositories?? I did a search and could find nothing appropriate in the forum, but maybe my search terms were not so good…

Thanks – Roger

Some times the mirror that you use may just be down wait a day and see if it clears up

On 01/22/2013 05:56 AM, rogerh113 wrote:

> problem while
> trying to run software update in YAST. Apparently some of the
> repositories are no longer active or not responding.

you could show us the error you get…that is, what is telling you
repos “are no longer active or not responding”, and what exact words are
being used (you might take a screen shot and post it to
paste.opensuse.org and then post the paste’s URL here)

you could also show us the terminal output and input, as well as the
beginning prompt and exit prompt, from

zypper lr -d

copy/paste the in/output back to this thread using the instructions
here: http://goo.gl/i3wnr

and, mention which DE you use, please…

> Is there a easy /
> standard process to have the system update the repositories??

in YaST Software Repositories it is easy to set the repos to
automatically refresh themselves…but, as for your system recognizing
that a distant repo is not responding–no, that is not possible…nor
need it be possible since openSUSE software is on a world wide dispersed
system of mirror servers…you might connect to a server in your
neighborhood today and then connect to the same repo as it exists on a
server on the other side of the world tomorrow (all of that is done by a
piece of magic named MirrorBrain, which you can google, if interested)

so, while you might find waiting a day helps (because MirrorBrain is not
always snappy in dropping your local server for one on the far side of
the moon, if a server is flakey it will be removed from service) i
suspect other problems might be underlying.



When I click update software, the screen opens and most often the bottom bar (loading package manager) will go green to 50% and then nothing. The little clocky pointer is spinning away. It is stalled now on opensuse.org/update/12.1/repodata/repomd.xml. It has been spinning on this for about 2 minutes now, and it finally says it cannot access repository… I have made several tries over the last 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes making a little progress (loading a repository or two) and often no loading at all. I have gotten to the final update screen after hitting abort several times, and it seems there are updates listed. When I try to accept these - same thing, with apparently no repository activity. I set up the repositories a year ago, an I was thinking things might have shifted around a bit…

Regards – Roger

On 2013-01-22 13:46, rogerh113 wrote:
> Hello,
> When I click update software, the screen opens and most often the
> bottom bar (loading package manager) will go green to 50% and then
> nothing. The little clocky pointer is spinning away. It is stalled now
> on opensuse.org/update/12.1/repodata/repomd.xml. It has been spinning
> on this for about 2 minutes now, and it finally says it cannot access
> repository…

At this point, you have to look inside the logs. Probably under
“/var/log/YaST2/”. It should say what exact mirror it is using and the
actual error, if any.

In that case, try that mirror with a web-browser, and report the problem
to… well, I’m not sure whom to at the moment.

> activity. I set up the repositories a year ago, an I was thinking
> things might have shifted around a bit…

Some repos may disappear, but in that case yast or zypper would normally
error out fast. The URLS used normally to opensuse.org are really to a
redirector that sends you to a mirror near you, hopefully. These can
sometimes fail, and sometimes the redirector system does not notice. Now
and then some people have to replace the URLs to the redirector by URLs
to a mirror that works better for you.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))

> I set up the repositories a year ago, an I was thinking
> things might have shifted around a bit…

did you read my post and choose to not show the results requested and
to not tell which DE you use, or did you overlook those requests?


Sometimes I do get distracted, but rarely ignore offers of help !!

roger@linux-g7gz:~> zypper lr -d

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service

1 | NVIDIA__driver | NVIDIA driver | No | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | http://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/12.1 |
2 | Packman Repository | Packman Repository | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /suse/12.1/ |
3 | Updates-for-openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4 | Updates for openSUSE 12.1 12.1-1.4 | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /update/12.1 |
4 | libdvdcss repository | libdvdcss repository | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | http://opensuse-guide.org/repo/12.1/ |
5 | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4 | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4 | No | No | 99 | yast2 | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVR-215D,/dev/sr0 |
6 | repo-debug | openSUSE-12.1-Debug | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /debug/distribution/12.1/repo/oss |
7 | repo-debug-update | openSUSE-12.1-Update-Debug | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | Index of /debug/update/12.1 |
8 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-12.1-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss |
9 | repo-oss | openSUSE-12.1-Oss | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/12.1/repo/oss |
10 | repo-source | openSUSE-12.1-Source | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | http://download.opensuse.org/source/distr

What do you mean by DE ?? If that is desktop, KDE. If it is something else, please let me know and I will respond.

I am fine with just refreshing the repositories, but don’t know what the process is / how to do it. I understand that repositories shift around / come and go, and that is fine.

Regards – Roger

> Sometimes I do get distracted, but rarely ignore offers of help !!

good to hear!

unfortunately i don’t see as many ‘errors’ in your repo list as i had
hoped (hoped to find ‘wrongs’ because they are easier to fix than
unknown causes…

there are some things i do as noted below

> 1 | NVIDIA__driver | NVIDIA driver
> | No | Yes | 99 | rpm-md |
> http://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/12.1

since this repo is not enabled (and does not need to be, until you are
ready to use it), stop it from automatically refreshing (and your YaST
will run faster every time PLUS if this repo is ‘messed up’ that alone
won’t cause YaST to scream)

> 4 | libdvdcss repository | libdvdcss repository
> | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md |
> http://opensuse-guide.org/repo/12.1/

disable this repo and also stop it from auto-refreshing, rational given
in the paragraph beginning with “IMPORTANT” in http://tinyurl.com/33qc9vu

> 6 | repo-debug | openSUSE-12.1-Debug
> | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | ‘Index of
> /debug/distribution/12.1/repo/oss’
> (http://download.opensuse.org/debug/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/)

stop refreshing this repo, same rationale as for repo #1

> 7 | repo-debug-update | openSUSE-12.1-Update-Debug
> | No | Yes | 99 | NONE | ‘Index of
> /debug/update/12.1’ (http://download.opensuse.org/debug/update/12.1/)

stop refreshing, rationale as above

> 8 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-12.1-Non-Oss
> | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | ‘Index of
> /distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss’
> (http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/)

> 9 | repo-oss | openSUSE-12.1-Oss
> | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | ‘Index of
> /distribution/12.1/repo/oss’
> (http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/)

leave it enabled but stop the refreshing: this repo is unchanging…it
was frozen at a point in time just before the release of 12.1 and it
will never change, so no need to refresh…ever.

> 10 | repo-source | openSUSE-12.1-Source
> | No | Yes | 99 | NONE |
> http://download.opensuse.org/source/distr

stop refreshing, same rational as all others not enabled…

> What do you mean by DE ?? If that is desktop, KDE.

sorry i used the short form…it is always best to use full words here
when dealing with users of unknown background, experience and etc… (sorry)

yes, Desktop Environment…openSUSE has several easily available (KDE,
GNOME, Xfce, LXDE) and almost uncountable others of various ease in

each DE has its own little differences and when asking for help here it
is practically always necessary to declare the DE as well as its
version and the version of openSUSE…

i think maybe if you do those things above and then run YaST Online
Update it might then run smoothly…cross your fingers.

if not come back and tell us what happened and maybe i’ll dream up
something else to try

> If it is something else, please let me know and I will respond.


> I am fine with just refreshing the repositories, but don’t know what
> the process is / how to do it.

well, i used “DE” and knew what it meant to me, and now you use
“refreshing the repositories” and i think you mean something other
than what that means to me: if you reset your repos as i have suggested
above then YaST/zypper will go out on the net and fetch a fresh list
of the versions of software available in the update and packman repos,
and it will then compare the software on your machine with the
refreshed list of what is available, and then offer to install the
newer software…and that is “refreshing the repos” to me!

so, i GUESS when you ask about “refreshing the repos” maybe you are
asking when and how should your list of repos be changed…right?

so, if you wanna have a stable, dependable, reliable system:

  1. follow the rules of that “IMPORTANT” paragraph (and only enable other
    repos when you have good reason to [like you need a new app that lives
    elsewhere] and then go back to the basic four again…

  2. disable apper/package kit (read about that elsewhere in the forums)

  3. use YaST Software Management to add/remove applications

  4. periodically (some say weekly, i do it soon after booting each day)
    run either YaST Online Update of “zypper patch” to pull in all the
    security patches and major bug fixes…

> I understand that repositories shift
> around / come and go, and that is fine.

i’m using openSUSE 11.4 and have for about two years, and i had the same
repos the whole time, UNTIL 11.4 went Evergreen and then i changed from
the 11.4 repos to the Evergreen repos…in other words as long as you
run 12.1 you need to stay with the 12.1 repos… (note 12.1 is only
supported until May 15th 2013 at which time it will no longer receive
security updates and you will need to move to a supported version (12.2
or 12.3) and as you do if you follow the guidelines to upgrade (see
wiki) you will change repos, or if you do a fresh format install (saving
/home) the install routine will change the repos for you.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

Changes made to repository settings and problem resolved !! Update listing and update install went really well. I did get some hangup on update download/install, but I think that was on the server side (too busy) as opposed to on my side.

Thanks very much !!

Regards – Roger

On 01/23/2013 03:26 PM, rogerh113 wrote:
> Thanks very much !!


openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!


The refresh process is not working again… I have a second computer that I loaded with 12.1, and set up the repositories the same as the first computer. That is not updating, and then I checked the first computer (addressed in this thread) and that is no longer able to access the repositories as well. This has been going on the better part of a week, and I have tried the refresh a couple of times during each day.

I realize that support for 12.1 is coming to an end, but are the repositories/zypper no longer kept up?? Is it possible to use a direct url to the suse source for the updates - I don’t imagine that they are heavily accessed any longer?

I also got locked up a few times with an applet called updatemanager? The repository list could not be accessed because this applet was running, and the interactive request for it to stop was not effective. I rekon it is going to the same unresponsive urls, and just hanging up until it times out. I tried to set it at ‘never’ for update frequency and then hid it, but apparently is will not take no for an answer…

I am getting a bit frustrated. I just want to get these two 12.1 systems up to date, and enjoy using them indefinitely until something stops me. For some reason, I just cannot seem to make that happen… Is it really necessary to update both to 12.2 to get this to work???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards – Roger

On 2013-02-08 22:26, rogerh113 wrote:
> Hello,
> The refresh process is not working again… I have a second computer
> that I loaded with 12.1, and set up the repositories the same as the
> first computer. That is not updating, and then I checked the first
> computer (addressed in this thread) and that is no longer able to access
> the repositories as well. This has been going on the better part of a
> week, and I have tried the refresh a couple of times during each day.

I told you to look into the logs. You haven’t.

> I realize that support for 12.1 is coming to an end, but are the
> repositories/zypper no longer kept up?? Is it possible to use a direct
> url to the suse source for the updates - I don’t imagine that they are
> heavily accessed any longer?

All 12.1 repositories will be removed and erased completely. It is
possible, though, that some mirrors may choose to keep them for longer.
Or you can store them yourself.

As 12.1 has not been chosen for evergreen, you are out of luck.

> I also got locked up a few times with an applet called updatemanager?
> The repository list could not be accessed because this applet was
> running, and the interactive request for it to stop was not effective.
> I rekon it is going to the same unresponsive urls, and just hanging up
> until it times out. I tried to set it at ‘never’ for update frequency
> and then hid it, but apparently is will not take no for an answer…

Delete the applet.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Hello and thanks for the reply. It sounds like it is not surprising that the repositories for 12.1 are hard/impossible to get to, and migration to 12.2 or 12.3 (at least for my new system is not optional). It also sounds like reporting non-functional 12.1 repositories will probably not yield much response. Likely any effort I make will be better invested in 12.2 (or 12.3). I will see if I can find the applet and delete it.

Regards – Roger

On 2013-02-09 01:46, rogerh113 wrote:
> Hello and thanks for the reply. It sounds like it is not surprising
> that the repositories for 12.1 are hard/impossible to get to,

No, I did not say that. I said that they will disappear, but that’s is
months away yet. If you can not reach your 12.1 repositories now there
will be a reasons and you have to investigate why. The first step is to
look inside the log files.

> and
> migration to 12.2 or 12.3 (at least for my new system is not optional).

But months away.

> It also sounds like reporting non-functional 12.1 repositories will
> probably not yield much response.

Not true.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Thanks - sounds like there is still hope on the 12.1 front…

" At this point, you have to look inside the logs. Probably under
“/var/log/YaST2/”. It should say what exact mirror it is using and the
actual error, if any. "

I did try and look here. Just trying to look in this folder with Dolphin, it says could not enter folder. I then tried to look at it as su with kdesu, but it appears to be empty. Any other suggestions on where to look for error information??

Thanks – Roger

On 2013-02-09 05:46, rogerh113 wrote:
> Thanks - sounds like there is still hope on the 12.1 front…
> " At this point, you have to look inside the logs. Probably under
> “/var/log/YaST2/”. It should say what exact mirror it is using and the
> actual error, if any. "
> I did try and look here. Just trying to look in this folder with
> Dolphin, it says could not enter folder. I then tried to look at it as
> su with kdesu, but it appears to be empty. Any other suggestions on
> where to look for error information??

No, that directory can not be empty.

Open a terminal, get root by doing “su -”, then start “mc”. If it is not
found, install it. Then navigate to that folder and look at the “y2log”
file with key “F3”.

Or you can use plain CLI commands to look there. “cd” to change
directory, “less filename” to read the file.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Well, I did find mc (midnight commander) but of course it would not upload because the upload system is not working. I have to deal with some other things, so will take a week away from this and then start to tackle it again. I am just surprised that it work flawlessly for so long and now works basically not at all…

Regards – Roger

On Sat, 09 Feb 2013 00:46:02 GMT, rogerh113
<rogerh113@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

>Hello and thanks for the reply. It sounds like it is not surprising
>that the repositories for 12.1 are hard/impossible to get to, and
>migration to 12.2 or 12.3 (at least for my new system is not optional).
>It also sounds like reporting non-functional 12.1 repositories will
>probably not yield much response. Likely any effort I make will be
>better invested in 12.2 (or 12.3). I will see if I can find the applet
>and delete it.
>Regards – Roger

OK lets be serious. Start yast and delete apper and update_applet. Then
try again.


On 2013-02-10 05:13, josephkk wrote:
> OK lets be serious. Start yast and delete apper and update_applet. Then
> try again.

He is using YaST. See the first post.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

On 2013-02-10 03:16, rogerh113 wrote:
> Well, I did find mc (midnight commander) but of course it would not
> upload because the upload system is not working. I have to deal with
> some other things, so will take a week away from this and then start to
> tackle it again. I am just surprised that it work flawlessly for so
> long and now works basically not at all…

Arghh! I forgot you had problems with the repos.

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with dolphin so I can’t help you there on
how to see log files. I usually do it from the simple CLI, or use mc.

Ok, try this on a terminal, konsole or whatever:

> su -
> mkdir tmp
> cd tmp
> wget http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/mc-
> rpm --install mc-

I wrote there a direct link to the mc rpm in a mirror at a university
that is very reliable, assuming that you have problems with the
redirector at opensuse. It should work. If it doesn’t, copy the entire
konsole session here, inside code tags as I did.

The link is for 12.1 and 64 bit architecture, if you are using
different, edit the line. You can find the exact one with firefox, even
use it for the downloading.

We often forget that almost everything that the Linux system does is
logged into text files. If there is a problem with the downloading of
updates, the reason should be there.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)