In /usr/bin zypper has a symbolic link to yzpper. Does anyone know why this is there or if it can safely be removed?
In /usr/bin zypper has a symbolic link to yzpper. Does anyone know why this is there or if it can safely be removed?
I do not know why that is there.
I did a google search for “yzpper”. It came up with some results, but they don’t actually answer the question.
My advice – just leave it there. It isn’t hurting anything. In any case, if there is an update to “zypper” that will also reinstall “yzpper”.
To me it’s obviously there for the benefit of speedy touch typists who transpose key pairs and don’t notice before hitting <ENTER>. I do the transpose thing quite often, far more often here and doing email than cmdline typing.
Please note that in the German std keyboard “Y” and “Z” are swapped compared to the EN_US one and SUSE has as many German as English native speakers among its users…
I assume the same as people guess above, just for the typo users.
But when that is the case, I would also assume that yzpper is a symbolic link to zypper and not the other way around as you report. (but NOT show >:().
I did not check myself. ATM I am on openSUSE 31.1:
boven:~ # cd /usr/bin
boven:/usr/bin # l zypper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1500328 Aug 1 2014 zypper*
boven:/usr/bin # l yzpper
ls: cannot access yzpper: No such file or directory
boven:/usr/bin #
My conclusion is that it does not exist there at all.
Tumbleweed and Leap-15.0
rayh@y3:~> lh /usr/bin/[zy]*pper
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Jun 22 14:52 /usr/bin/yzpper -> zypper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.9M Jun 22 14:52 /usr/bin/zypper
Thanks for the information.
Thus it is as I assumed and not as the OP posted.