Zypper / Yast Questions

I’m unsure about a relationship between Yast and Zypper.

With other distributions they have the package manager (Yum, Apt-Get, etc.) which can be run from the command line or from a GUI (PackageManager, Synaptic, etc.).

So if you update the headers through the command line, and then go into the GUI to install something, the GUI will show the headers you just updated via the CLI.

Is Zypper and Yast at all related along the same lines? If something is installed by Zypper will it show up and be updated/managed in Yast as well, or is it one-or-the-other?

Similarly, if a repo (such as Packman) is added via Yast, is it also added to the list of available repos Zypper will use?


According to my knowledge, i think they are interrelated with each other. If you do update through zypper in command line…it will also update YaST.
For exmaple, to list down your repos type this in terminal and will show current repos list:

zypper lr --details

Now if you go to YaST software repositories, it will also show the same. If you add any repo from any where…it will be there in both,zypper and YaST.

As we can see that,synaptic manager and apt work the same…so zypper and YaST do the same.

Looking forward for more to know about this from others.

Yup, that’s correct, they work on the same information base underneath. It wouldn’t make sense not to have it that way.

The above is correct. There used to be a flow chart that showed the process quite nicely. I haven’t found it since. I do have some links though.

Libzypp/Package Management - openSUSE
Libzypp/FAQ - openSUSE
Zypper/Usage/11.1 - openSUSE
Libzypp - openSUSE
YaST/Modules/Software Management - openSUSE

I guess YaST is a “frontend” to zypper and zypper is a “frontend” to rpm :slight_smile:

Great! Thanks for the quick responses.

I’m glad to hear this because I’m only lukewarm to Yast at this point so I’m glad to know there’s another method if Yast annoys me too much.

Of course it means learning new command sequences or terms but that’s easy enough (with a cheat sheet of course)

I only use zypper in konsole when i need to install one thing or two :slight_smile:

If i need to read some stuff what it contains etc. then i use YaST.

For example i use nano for editing files that need root permissions, i never bother with kwrite and sudo and stuff so i install nano with simple “zypper in nano” and Voila!

I guess zypper is faster if You know what you want to do but if you need to make up your mind then YaST is the way to go;)

I found this thread by chance with the tag “package management” about one and a half year after the original posting. Because of the new order in the wiki (with namespaces and portals and without sub-pages in the normal (main) namespace and with out redirects not all of the older links are still leading to information) the links are not actual leading all to an article/to real information.

You would find now hopefully updated information on/via this pages
(I do not know if all is included):

YaST Software Management - YaST Software Management - openSUSE Wiki

SDB:Zypper usage 11.3 - SDB:Zypper usage 11.3 - openSUSE Wiki
Category:Zypper - Category:Zypper - openSUSE Wiki

Portal:Libzypp - Portal:Libzypp - openSUSE Wiki
openSUSE:Libzypp introduction - openSUSE:Libzypp introduction - openSUSE Wiki
Category:Libzypp - Category:Libzypp - openSUSE Wiki

And maybe this wiki article is helpful (for understanding the background), too:
Package management - Package management - openSUSE Wiki


P. S.
The old/original pages will be found behind the following links (at least in the wiki articles’ history):

In my opinion yast and ZYPPER are the same thing. You can download, update, upgrade and install programmes etc. ZYPPER,for me, is from users who have experience in programming and yast is from users who they don’t want the commands (That’s I thing). For me, If I am tired I use Yast to download, to upgrade ,to update and to install programmes. If I am refreshed I use ZYPPER.

Year old thread? Huh!

The underlying programs are the same for YaSt and zypper. I use zypper for almost everything and Yast when I want to explore or search for an application feature but I don’t know the application’s name. Zypper now has wild card features but not a google like search, Yast for questions like "something that does this ".

The other issue is that Yast and zypper write their histories to different files, at least for OS 11.1. If I added a pkg by Yast GUI it doesn’t show up in zypper’s history.

Query Commands
       search (se) [options] [querystring] ...
              Search for packages matching given strings. * (any substring) and  ?  (any
              character) wildcards can also be used within search strings.


       -d, --search-descriptions
              Search also in summaries and descriptions.

It does in later versions (and I’m surprised it didn’t do so in oS 11.1, since YaSTs package management is nothing but a GUI-frontend for zypper).

Package management - openSUSE

Regards pistazienfresser

Yes thank you for the zypper search options but YaST search is still an occasional preference for almost instant “something that does” searches.

On 2010-11-22 23:06, gropiuskalle wrote:

> It does in later versions (and I’m surprised it didn’t do so in oS
> 11.1, since YaSTs package management is nothing but a GUI-frontend for
> zypper).

No, it is not. It never has been.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

In case you have a different point of view / theory / whatever, please provide some details about them. This way it sounds as if you commented just for the sake of contradiction.