Zypper/Yast package update problem

I’m having a problem with zypper/yast. Yesterday automatic update reported three new updates, one of which was kernel and another was for clamav. The update failed with no reported error.

I tried manually via zypper update, and it failed on clamav. I installed other updates and returned to clamav later. The problem is, it is installing the patch clamav-181.noarch AND removing clamav-0.93-19.1 at the same time:

The following NEW patches are going to be installed:
  clamav-181.noarch  (openSUSE-11.0-Updates, maint-coord@suse.de)

The following package is going to be REMOVED:
  clamav-0.93-19.1.x86_64  (@System, SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany)

Overall result, clamav is removed and not patched. When I try to install it again, version 0.93 is installed, again requiring update. Please note this is clamav update, not virus db update.

This is on my laptop, 64-bit OpenSuSE 11. Another machine, 32-bit OpenSuSE 11 server, with no gui, updated just fine.

I don’t know how to track the problem. I’m figuring it’s either my zypper/yast, or 64-bit patch for clamav.

Ok, so I managed to force-install clamav 0.94 using

zypper install -C clamav=0.94-0.1

as suggested by Spyhawk on IRC. But I’m still curious what could have been the problem. I tried even cleaning zypper cache and installing clamav anew, but it offered 0.93 still, and update to 0.94 failed.

Is the 64-bit patch for clamav 0.94 faulty, or is my zypper (or something else) broken?

Edit: trying to install klamav reverts clamav back to 0.93.


Did anyone else have this problem with clamav 0.93? Is it just my system? What could have gone wrong?

> This is on my laptop, 64-bit OpenSuSE 11. Another machine, 32-bit
> OpenSuSE 11 server, with no gui, updated just fine.

why, on a non-server system do you feel the need to run it at all?
(unless you want to help your Windows[tm] using friends protect their
fragile systems)

anyway, unless you are running a mail server which does deliver
directly to Doz machines there is little utility in running it…

i’ve never run an anti-virus on my Linux box, ever…all the way back
to late last century.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

i’ve never run an anti-virus on my Linux box, ever…all the way back
to late last century.

The last Millenium even…lol!

Actually, this is exactly the reason. I’m asked a lot to help others clean their PCs and I’d like to have an antivirus handy and up to date. :wink:

But that’s irrelevant. I’m still clueless as to what might be the cause of the problem.

> Actually, this is exactly the reason. I’m asked a lot to help others
> clean their PCs and I’d like to have an antivirus handy and up to date.

i don’t know how to fix the zypper problem either, but tell me how
having clamav up to date and working on your lap top helps you clean
a friends infected Windows[tm] machine…

btw: friends don’t let friends drive home windows…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

It’s quite simple, actually and there are several ways you can access the (infected) windows machine from Linux. Through an NFS, or what I often do, through USB external hard drive case to which I connect their drives and clean them.

good info, thanks…

since you are performing open-gutz surgery on sick and frail clients,
i hope you have both malpractice insurance AND get paid for your
kindness… :wink:

me, i tell’em i never use M$ and don’t know how to clean up Redmond’s
mess…which sure gives me more free time (i used to try to
help’em)…thankfully i don’t need their money…

of course, ymmv…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

I think you have also klamav installed on you system.

if you want clamav-0.93-19.1 you need to UNinstall klamav 0.42 and then install clamav.

The problem is that klamav 0.42 is not compatible with new libraries from clamav-0.93 and that stops the yast

so, if you need only clamav /to use it from command line/ this is solution for you, but if you need also klamav then you have the following options:

  1. wait for klamav new rpm from suse teem
  2. download klamav sources + patch for clamav-0.93 and buid it manualy
  3. go back to old versions :slight_smile:

This for sure doesn’t helps:

$ rpm -qRp “http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.0/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/klamav-0.42-54.1.x86_64.rpm” | grep clamav
$ rpm -qRp “http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.0/rpm/x86_64/klamav-0.42-54.1.x86_64.rpm” | grep clamav

The update has the same version and release number!!

I’m going to ask, but it seems a bug to me.

Yeah, that’s how it started. But I tried installing clamav alone, with klamav uninstalled, with same problems. Installs 0.93 fine, and update to 0.94 removes clamav altogether.

I’m just not sure what could have caused this, broken update patch or something on my system.