zypper se strange error (std::length_error)

At one machine a have found strange errror on zypper (for exampe zypper se mc)

zypper se mc
Загрузка данных о репозиториях...
Предупреждение: Репозиторий 'openSUSE-13.1-Update' устарел. Используйте другое зеркало или сервер.
Чтение установленных пакетов...

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
  what():  basic_string::_S_create
Аварийный останов

I am trying to do zypper ref -f -s but it not helps.

Please help with a problem.

You choose OTHER VERSION, but you forgot to tell what that OTHER VERSION is, how can we know?
Somewhere in your unreadable text I see openSUSE13.1. That is not supported anymore and repositories will be down for it. Thus I assume that zypper complains about that.

When you want to show computer output here in the English section please put a LANG=C before the statements to enable people here to read and understand it:

LANG=C zypper se mc

I found the problem. After downgrading dbus qt5 and libc, zypper work fine :slight_smile: