zypper repository error "broken pipe"

I am getting the following error while trying to check the repositories for new software:

Si è verificato un errore nell’inizializzazione della sorgente di installazione.
‘security’: |] Failed to cache repo (4).

  • ‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/security/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/security’
    Unknown checksum type: 8: sha256
    sed: couldn’t write 22 items to stdout: Broken pipe
    grep: writing output: Broken pipe
    grep: writing output: Broken pipe
    grep: writing output: Broken pipe
    grep: writing output: Broken pipe (ans so on for a 100 times)

Is this a problem of the server side or mine? Seems to be a problem of zypper not being able to connect in a secure way, but if anyone has a suggestion would be helpful.

I think some of the OBS repositories had some key changes. So are you
refreshing via the command line or YaST? If YaST try from the command

sudo zypper ref

Else try deleting the repository (Security?) and re-add manually.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 5 days 9:22, 3 users, load average: 0.12, 1.01, 1.73
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 195.36.15

There is also discussion on the user mailing list as well;

I would suggest jumping on IRC and asking on #opensuse

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 5 days 9:36, 3 users, load average: 0.18, 0.36, 1.02
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 195.36.15

Thanks for your help Malcom. Seems to be however less easy then I thought. A rebuild of the database gives:

Recupero dei metadati della sorgente di installazione ‘KDE 3.5 Core’ |]
Recupero dei metadati della sorgente di installazione ‘KDE 3.5 Core’ [Fatto]
Costruzione della cache del repository ‘KDE 3.5 Core’ [Fatto]
Errore durante la costruzione della cache:
‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/KDE_3.5_Core_1/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/KDE_3.5_Core_1’
Unknown checksum type: 8: sha256

Esclusione della sorgente di installazione ‘KDE 3.5 Core’ a causa dell’errore precedente.
La sorgente di installazione ‘KDE 4.1.3 Stable’ è aggiornata.
Costruzione della cache del repository ‘KDE 4.1.3 Stable’ [Fatto]
Errore durante la costruzione della cache:
‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/KDE_4.1.3_Stable/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/KDE_4.1.3_Stable’
Unknown checksum type: 8: sha256

Esclusione della sorgente di installazione ‘KDE 4.1.3 Stable’ a causa dell’errore precedente.
La sorgente di installazione ‘Packman Repository’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘network:vpn’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE-11.1-Oss’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE-11.1-Source’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE-11.1-Update’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Community’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE BuildService - OpenOffice.org’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE BuildService - Virtualizzazione (VirtualBox)’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘openSUSE Education’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘science’ è aggiornata.
La sorgente di installazione ‘security’ è aggiornata.
Costruzione della cache del repository ‘security’ [Fatto]
Errore durante la costruzione della cache:
‘repo2solv.sh’ ‘-o’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/solv/security/solv’ ‘/var/cache/zypp/raw/security’
Unknown checksum type: 8: sha256

Esclusione della sorgente di installazione ‘security’ a causa dell’errore precedente.
Alcune sorgenti di installazione non sono state aggiornate a causa di un errore.

The command you did suggest gives the same. Then I tried to eliminate the repositories and to join them again. When doing this, by pressing O.K. yast states “updating metadata” apparently crashes and reopens and then staying there with some process running (but apparently without rebuilding anything. One has to kill the process). Anyway when the window of yast reopens it shows again the old repository configuration.

I agree :frowning: It appears the checksum and repository names seems to be
the issue. I know they had an issue yesterday with the build service
binary server yesterday morning, so it’s probably related.

I think your going to either add your voice to the mailing list or
monitor the thread and see when it’s fixed :frowning:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 5 days 10:26, 3 users, load average: 0.24, 0.21, 0.37
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 195.36.15

Hi stakanov & malcolm.

The clue is in following line

Unknown checksum type: 8: sha256

It seems that zypper 1.0.13 from OS 11.1 does not understand sha256 checksum method.

So, if you use one of the recently “sha256 affected” repositories, you are out of luck. Well, not exactly.
OS 11.1 users have three options.

  1. Wait for repo maintainers to fix the situation.

  2. Wait for distribution maintainers to fix zypp AND publish it in update repo.


  1. Update zypp & several related packages yourself.

I have opted for solution No.3. Files are at Index of /repositories/zypp:/Code11-Branch/openSUSE_11.1

NOTE: This is NOT mine repo - I have just stumbled upon it.

But there is a catch. You can not use this as repository - it is sha256 signed. So you have to download


to local directory first. After that, it’s up to you to do the update. Either by making local repo, or by command line method if needed/preferred.

After update, it’s time for:

zypper clean --all

just in case, so we have clean situation, followed by:

zypper refresh 

You should have NO errors.

I have done this and all my repos work as they should, but I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF YOU HOSE YOUR COMPUTER, BURN YOUR HOUSE or something similar.



P.S. For the curious

Zypper & Co from Index of /repositories/zypp:/Head/openSUSE_11.1 can be installed by brute force.
Unfortunately, at least for me, YAST does not work with this version of zypper (1.2.13). Although it refreshes all repos just fine …

Well, since after all my house is not burning, I will try to be zen, and wait with stoical determination to see the fix coming. Anyway I am currently so much brain-served (that was nicely politically correct lol) that I cannot afford to see anything going wrong. But yes, thank you for pointing out the origins of the problem. I understood zypper was not able to sync encryption but I had no clue why or that they changed encryption system on repositories. So before what encryption did we have, btw? Maybe they used sha1 before. Thanks a lot, have a great day.

Thank you for this

When will this issue be solved?

You just gotta love the irony.

A “security”-Repo failing due to switching to a “more secure” checksum.


Reminds me of the people that buy a reinforced door and then have to call a specialized technician because the forgot the keys inside the apartment. lol!

@Mikpel, who asked when the issue will be solved: well, for the KDE3 and KDE 4.3 repo apparently it is done, as I do not receive error messages any more and meta-data update flawlessly. The others I don’t know (did not notice any regular zypper update in 11.1 up to know).