zypper: newer version declared obsolete

The newest gcc11 comes with a thing called libgccjit, which in turn is necessary to use an emacs feature called “native comp”, see here: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GccEmacs

Unfortunately the gcc11 provided by TW (11.0.0+git183291-1.2) brings a broken libgccjit. There was a discussion here: https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/thread/OMGUKAXDN64WKNMBGOSVTONQZACQO6XO/

Since then there wasn’t a gcc update, so I loaded the new gcc11 version from devel:gcc , but then deactivated the repo, because I don’t need a new gcc version from a devel repo every day, but a working emacs.

Every time when trying zypper dup now, I get a load of warnings:

Distributions-Aktualisierungen werden verarbeitet... 
22 Probleme: 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket cpp11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket gcc11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket gcc11-c++-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libasan6-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libatomic1-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgcc_s1-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgcc_s1-32bit-11.0.0+git183452-19.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgccjit0-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgccjit0-devel-gcc11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgfortran5-11.0.0+git183452-19.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libgomp1-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libitm1-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket liblsan0-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libobjc4-11.0.0+git183452-19.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libquadmath0-11.0.0+git183452-19.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libstdc++6-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libstdc++6-32bit-11.0.0+git183452-19.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libstdc++6-devel-gcc11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libtsan0-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libubsan1-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket libwkhtmltox0-0.12.6-13.7.x86_64 
Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket wkhtmltopdf-0.12.6-13.7.x86_64 

Problem: Problem mit installiertem Paket cpp11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 
 Lösung 1: cpp11-11.0.0+git183291-1.2.x86_64 installieren (mit Anbieterwechsel) 
  obs://build.opensuse.org/devel:gcc --> openSUSE 
 Lösung 2: veraltetes cpp11-11.0.0+git183490-22.1.x86_64 beibehalten 

**Wählen Sie aus den obigen Lösungen mittels Nummer oder Sie (u)eberspringen, (w)iederholen oder brechen (a)b [1/2/u/w/a/d/?] (a): **a

“veraltetes” means obsolete – but as you can see, the version number of the allegedly obsolete package is higher than the version of the openSUSE TW repo.

Why does zypper ignore the version number and what can I do to avoid “22 problems” every zypper dup? Going back to the git-183291 isn’t a solution.

Yes, but, in the mailing list there’s this statement –

The issue is fixed in devel:gcc project. I can’t say when the package reaches openSUSE:Factory. It’s being used in Staging:Gcc7.

It maybe that, you’ll have to wait, please …

Just, maybe, to avoid a misunderstanding: Why on earth “thinks” zypper that the version in the TW-repo were newer while in fact it is older than the version on my machine? And can I do something to resolve this “mistake” of zypper?

Yes, of course, I can wait. Or type “2” for 22 times…

I’m not sure, but I suspect that a package from a disabled repo is always seen as older than a package from an enabled repo.

If the version on the machine is more recent than the one in the repository and, there ain’t no repository active with the installed version – regardless of the repository’s priority – Zypper may attempt to replace the installed version – which is why with “patch” and “update” it’s sometimes neccessary to “lock” installed packages to prevent changes …
[HR][/HR]On the other hand, due to the way that Tumbleweed updates are executed, by means of a “dist-upgrade” – “distribution upgrade” (dup), that this causes the version installed on the machine to be replaced by the repository’s version – which is what sometimes happens with distribution upgrades …
[HR][/HR]It may well be that, due to Tumbleweed’s “distribution upgrade” methodology, at every upgrade extra effort is needed to handle packages which are located in experimental repositories …
[HR][/HR]BTW, it seems that, the RPM package name is “libgccjit0”.

  • This one – libgccjit0-11.0.0+git183291-1.2.x86_64.rpm – was last modified Thur, 25 Feb 2021 19:19:05 GMT.
  • This one – libgccjit0-11.0.1+git183716-36.1.x86_64.rpm – was last modified Mon, 08 Mar 2021 23:27:47 GMT