Zoom Flatpak Problems

Is anyone else experiencing what I call a video fuzzball when they open the login screen for the flatpak Zoom app? Totally unreadable and unusable. It’s the only flatpak app that won’t work for me and I sure do miss how easy it makes Zoom. The direct install app, which I’m using now, won’t save the login info and settings. It works but it’s a pain in the patoot to have to reset all my settings for every meeting I attend. It started about a month ago and I’ve been digging and trying stuff since. No luck.

I use a 1 yr old Dell Precision desktop computer that came preloaded with Ubuntu. It contains an Intel Core I9 cpu and an AMD ATI Radeon Pro W5500 gpu. 16mg ram.

I’m a retired home user and not terribly competent once it gets beyond setup stuff, but I can look up logs and get info if I’m given directions.

Thanks for any suggestions you might offer.

Hello I don’t have any idea how to resolve your issues with Zoom but did you tried out

opi zoom

in a terminal ?
Let me know if it works !

Cheer Watynecc

Yes. I tried both direct and opi installs. It only happens with openSUSE and Fedora. I guess it’s an rpm thing. And a Flatpak thing with rpm distros.

I’m running Debian now with Flatpak. Works perfectd, as it did with Ubuntu too.

Linux is just bizarre some time. So many variables can be causing problems. Like a needle in a haystack.

Thanks for responding.