Does anyone have a tutorial for Zint? I thought I saw something about Zint being able to read qrcode besides being able to generate it. I’ve got a few qrcode .png’s and I was hoping that Zint could read them.
This version is just commandline.
These are the options (and I don’t know how to use them)
Zint version 2.4.0
Encode input data in a barcode and save as a PNG, EPS or SVG file.
-h, --help Display this message.
-t, --types Display table of barcode types
-i, --input=FILE Read data from FILE.
-o, --output=FILE Write image to FILE. (default is out.png)
-d, --data=DATA Barcode content.
-b, --barcode=NUMBER Number of barcode type (default is 20 (=Code128)).
--height=NUMBER Height of symbol in multiples of x-dimension.
-w, --whitesp=NUMBER Width of whitespace in multiples of x-dimension.
--border=NUMBER Width of border in multiples of x-dimension.
--box Add a box.
--bind Add boundary bars.
-r, --reverse Reverse colours (white on black).
--fg=COLOUR Specify a foreground colour.
--bg=COLOUR Specify a background colour.
--scale=NUMBER Adjust size of output image.
--directpng Send PNG output to stdout
--directeps Send EPS output to stdout
--directsvg Send SVG output to stdout
--dump Dump binary data to stdout
--rotate=NUMBER Rotate symbol (PNG output only).
--cols=NUMBER (PDF417) Number of columns.
--vers=NUMBER (QR Code) Version
--secure=NUMBER (PDF417 and QR Code) Error correction level.
--primary=STRING (Maxicode and Composite) Structured primary message.
--mode=NUMBER (Maxicode and Composite) Set encoding mode.
--gs1 Treat input as GS1 data
--binary Treat input as Binary data
--notext Remove human readable text
--square Force Data Matrix symbols to be square
This what I tried:
zint -i comeseeJunebugartfestthisyear.png
but this is what I got:
error: error: Invalid character in input string (only Latin-1 characters supported)
I also tried it with the entire path but came up with the same results.
The pages that came up when I googled it were for the gui for Windows (I’m wishing that the Linux version had a gui too). That’s no help.
How would you tell Zint to read the .png file?