Yt-dlp installation

Trying to install yt-dlp from the packman repo using zypper on Leap 15.5 I get an error:

Problem: nothing provides ‘python3-yt-dlp’ needed by the to be installed

The packman repo has a package python311–yt-dlp

@nwlord Since it’s a third party repository, check their Mailing List, there is a thread over there :wink:

Thanks for the link, Malcolm. However, the thread didn’t help me. I’m afraid I’m going to have to wait until the packager gets the problem sorted out

The answer is given in the last post of the ML thread.

First you need to install python311-yt-dlp from packman. Afterwards you can install yt-dlp from packman without warning.

Thanks for the clarification, hui. I force-installed python311-yt-dlp and yt-dlp and now it all works.