Yet another Compiz issue

Hi All,
I’ve seen lots of posts about compiz problems and none of them seemed to be quite what I’ve got going on. I’ll try to keep this simple. Compiz seems to be doing it’s job just fine but when I open the lookand feel > desktop effects dialog, if I click on the animations tab the dialog freezes up. I can use the other configuration tabs ok, just the one that causes the freeze up. After that happens, if I don’t restart my user session and try to reopen the dialog, every application may freeze up too.

So, is there a log file that I can check to see error messages? It doesn’t seem to show up in var/log/messages.



Gateway desktop with AMD64x2, Sapphire ATI x1600 chipset, Radeon driver, 1GB Mem
Linux linux-6kbj #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-12-13 11:13:53 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

No takers?

Wild guessing: try running from a terminal?

After lots of web searches and reading I found a setup guide and checked that everything in my system was up to snuff - and got the name of the actual progrem… simple-ccsm to do just that. then noticed that the method for starting it was from the cascading menu launcher. I happen to have both the default launcher and the old style on on my task bar because I wasn’t sure I like the new one. Anyway when running simple-ccsm from the old style launcher it works fine. No issue. Go figure.

Just now thought I’d try the command line and it crapped out. Then tried the cascading menu method and it crapped out and took my term window with it and won’t close even on force. Weird stuff… Seems like once it fails it just gets worse till log out and back in again. Whats that window manager restart key sequence again? :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’ve got a method that works so I guess it’s all good.


By the way, there’s an extra package you can install that is used to get debug logs from Compiz. I think it said they aren’t readable by plain text but you can give them to the folks at… At least that’s what I got out of it. quick scans while at work so I admit I didn’t read it all very closely.


greyangel wrote:
> I found a setup guide and checked that everything in my system was
> up to snuff

up to snuff?

are you saying you are running openSUSE out of the box and have added
no software that did not come from the oss, non-oss, update and
packman repos?

as far as i can see anytime you add and then download from any other
repo (especially any with “factory” or “playground” in the name) you
take the chance of introducing incompatible software and bugs not in
the original “up to snuff” operating system…that is, incompatible
with the version built, tested and released by the openSUSE community…

to me, the problem you describe sounds a lot like you have little
critters running around inside your box…may we see the output of:

zypper lr -d

copy/paste the output back to this thread using the instructions here:

and, maybe someone will tell you how to reset your system back to “as
released” and see if that solves the problems…

or, add a new user and then log out and in again as that new user and
see if the same symptom persist…

that is to say that maybe the “compiz issue” you see is not the
problem, but rather an observed symptom of the incompatible software
or setup problem…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

Well… it is a pretty new and clean system. I’ve not had time to mess it up really. It did do some automatic updates and I may have added a couple of multimedia codecs. Definately findutils. Played with a couple of other Linux distros previous to this one so I don’t remember for sure. Yeah, I’ll give you that dump but it’ll have to wait till I get home to night. I didn’t add any depots for sure so everything came from the default sources. More later when I’m not at work :slight_smile:


greyangel wrote:
> I didn’t add any depots for sure so everything came
> from the default sources.

then it is either a setup problem, a graphics driver problem or you
have found a bug…

i don’t have the patience right now to go more into it…someone else
needs to step in…

wait, why not take the easy way and don’t use compiz or desktop
effects (works GREAT here without that fluff)…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

Now that’s just wrong… took the time to reply and then my post got >/dev/null

Main point was that it’s not a big deal to me now that I’ve got a work around. I don’t know about you but I got a job and I got to go do that.

Do appreciate the input though. Thanks much. If you feel like tossing this around over the next days great. I’ll probably work it over a bit more but I’m ok with it if you don’t feel like it.
