YasT2 - Source Configuration

Am still running 10.2… My internal CD-RW died and Yast2 doesn’t seem to have a place to change the default for installing any packages to the new external CD-RW, which is displayed in the file manager, but doesn’t seem to get recognized by Yast as the other CD location.

How do I work some good medicine on this problem?

I see this is your first post: Welcome to these Forums.

That said, I come with something you have no doubt awaited allready as an answer: install to 11.2. Now that is a cheap answer of course. But there possibly aren’t much people around here who have 10.2 and thus can try things with that or the YaST is has. They thus have to cite from memory if they ever had this sort of problem.

Well wait first for one or two days, maybe you have luck.

[QUOTE=hcvv;2144767]I see this is your first post: Welcome to these Forums.

That said, I come with something you have no doubt awaited allready as an answer: install to 11.2.

LOL! I was expecting that. But, I simply don’t have that much time, at the moment. I’m probably going to have to take the time, though. :slight_smile:

Well wait first for one or two days, maybe you have luck.

I think I will see if anyone else might have had the problem… chances are someone did.

However, I’ve a laptop with Arch Linux on it and the latest version of KDE and I like the minimalistic LXDE. May have to try reconfiguring some things and use SuSE 11.2 with a lighter weight DE.

Thanks for your time and effort, though.


For LXDE (and others) on openSUSE 11.2 check this link

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