yast2 / Online Update -> "Error while creating client module online_update"


I’ve broken the online update. Best part of it: I even think, I know, how it happened, but I can’t find a way out.

Here are the details:

  1. I started the online update (this worked)
  2. It found a whole batch of available updates, among them one yast/zypper/… update (sorry didn’t care for the details then)
  3. It only selected this update to do this first (as usual); I confirmed and turned away from the computer.
  4. When I look, it just completely hang (a too frequent “unfeature” of Suse 12.1 64 Bit on my system)
    yast2 had updated the packet and stopped during these post installation steps.
    I couldn’t do anything on the desktop (mouse pointer moved, but that was all); couldn’t get to a console, couldn’t kill X11, Ctrl-Alt-Del didn’t get any reaction.
  5. So I power-cycled the machine; it came up again without problem (besides the FS journal playback) - BUT, …
  6. when I now try to start yast2/Online update, I just get “Error while creating client module online_update”
  7. yast (instead of ayst2), as suggested here in other threads, reported the same error
  8. “zypper in -f ‘yast*’” (as suggested in other threads) ended with “zypper: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003: file too short”

So my current assumption is, that yast2/zypper obviously needed to replace its active files, with the new ones from the patch. This failed half way through and thus now the problems.

First question: Can I start the configure steps, which occur after the installation just a second time (e.g. on the command line) - how ?
(Sorry didn’t note the details of the messages, because I didn’t deem them needed, before the power cycle)
I hope this will fix the problem.

Second question: Any other ideas on that one ?
(Besides trying to remove and reinstall yast & zypper from DVD, which seems rather harsh and also somewhat risky for getting me out of the frying pan into the fire)



Closing thread and moving to ‘English’ Applications.

Thread moved and re-opened.

Answer to my own posting:

The command I had been search seems to be

But that didn’t change a thing… still:

> zypper ref
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003: file too short

So I installed a second 12.1 system on another disc (Just the basic system as suggested by the
default during installation.)

I then did a online update there to get the system up to date (and thus as good aligned to my
damaged system as possible)

From here I copied /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003.0.2 over to my “destroyed” system:
> cp -p /tmpmnt/usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003.0.2 /usr/lib64/

And created the symlink new:
> ln -s libzypp.so.1003.0.2 libzypp.so.1003

> zypper ref
> zypper up

worked again. Also the modules in yast2 started to work again - ufff…

One note on this:
It is probably important to do this quite fast after the problem. Otherwise e.g. I might get
libzypp.so.1042.0.4711 on the “rescue” system, while the “destroyed” system is still at
libzypp.so.1003.0.2, so that copying the single file just over, might not solve the problem…

