I’ve broken the online update. Best part of it: I even think, I know, how it happened, but I can’t find a way out.
Here are the details:
I started the online update (this worked)
It found a whole batch of available updates, among them one yast/zypper/… update (sorry didn’t care for the details then)
It only selected this update to do this first (as usual); I confirmed and turned away from the computer.
When I look, it just completely hang (a too frequent “unfeature” of Suse 12.1 64 Bit on my system)
yast2 had updated the packet and stopped during these post installation steps.
I couldn’t do anything on the desktop (mouse pointer moved, but that was all); couldn’t get to a console, couldn’t kill X11, Ctrl-Alt-Del didn’t get any reaction.
So I power-cycled the machine; it came up again without problem (besides the FS journal playback) - BUT, …
when I now try to start yast2/Online update, I just get “Error while creating client module online_update”
yast (instead of ayst2), as suggested here in other threads, reported the same error
“zypper in -f ‘yast*’” (as suggested in other threads) ended with “zypper: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003: file too short”
So my current assumption is, that yast2/zypper obviously needed to replace its active files, with the new ones from the patch. This failed half way through and thus now the problems.
First question: Can I start the configure steps, which occur after the installation just a second time (e.g. on the command line) - how ?
(Sorry didn’t note the details of the messages, because I didn’t deem them needed, before the power cycle)
I hope this will fix the problem.
Second question: Any other ideas on that one ?
(Besides trying to remove and reinstall yast & zypper from DVD, which seems rather harsh and also somewhat risky for getting me out of the frying pan into the fire)
The command I had been search seems to be
But that didn’t change a thing… still:
> zypper ref
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003: file too short
So I installed a second 12.1 system on another disc (Just the basic system as suggested by the
default during installation.)
I then did a online update there to get the system up to date (and thus as good aligned to my
damaged system as possible)
From here I copied /usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003.0.2 over to my “destroyed” system:
> cp -p /tmpmnt/usr/lib64/libzypp.so.1003.0.2 /usr/lib64/
And created the symlink new:
> ln -s libzypp.so.1003.0.2 libzypp.so.1003
> zypper ref
> zypper up
worked again. Also the modules in yast2 started to work again - ufff…
One note on this:
It is probably important to do this quite fast after the problem. Otherwise e.g. I might get
libzypp.so.1042.0.4711 on the “rescue” system, while the “destroyed” system is still at
libzypp.so.1003.0.2, so that copying the single file just over, might not solve the problem…