YaST2 Hardware detction missing

Can’t find the YaST2 hardware detection tool in Yast.
Did it move? Was it replaced?

It still present here - TW 20201117

yast2-hardware-detection is installed?

Yes, yast2-hardware-detection 4.1.1-1.4

In Yast, the only options in the Hardware section are:
System Keyboard Layout

Am I wrong, or isn’t that where it should be?

Do you know the terminal command?

Same here with Hardware Information.

What do you think should also be there?

I may be nuts but I thought there used to be a tool there that would probe the system and provide a “hardware report” that could be viewed and saved.

I may be nuts but I thought there used to be a tool there that would probe the system and provide a "hardware report" that could be viewed and saved. 

you have to install it.

The ‘yast2-hardware-detection’ package provides this. Maybe it is missing?

For reference…
YaST > Hardware > Hardware Information

It is installed, but I don’t see the icon to activate the tool in YaST.

Can you invoke it using

xdg-su -c "yast2 hwinfo"
xdg-su -c "yast2 hwinfo"
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
No such client module hwinfo

This reddit thread describes the same. The ‘yast2-tune’ package was also mentioned, so perhaps relevant to your situation?

It should be the hardware information.
You click it, it scans your system and provide you the information and you can save it.
I have it in tumbleweed with the latest snapshot.

The command will be:
su … password
yast2 hwinfo

yast2 hwinfo
No such client module hwinfo

That looks the same.
I searched in OpenSuse software and found Yast2-tune

Installed it and that is the issue.


Good result! :slight_smile:

Bug posted to https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1202651