yast/update manager question.

im new to the suse world and i was wondering about the update manager.i went into yast added packman and the recommended repositories.only had one minor update after install of system.i installed online updating and in yast i click on update unconditionally and it says 1082 packages will be updated??when??how??i turned off automatic updating cause i like to do my own updating.
my question is can someone guide me on how to correctly update my opensuse 12.1 kde.thanks

podagee wrote:
> im new to the suse world and i was wondering about the update manager.i
> went into yast added packman and the recommended repositories.only had
> one minor update after install of system.i installed online updating and
> in yast i click on update unconditionally and it says 1082 packages will
> be updated??when??how??

If you want to update “unconditionally” then updates/reinstallations
take place whether are new updates or not.
i turned off automatic updating cause i like to
> do my own updating.
> my question is can someone guide me on how to correctly update my
> opensuse 12.1 kde.thanks

Several ways, depends on what you want.

  1. Security updates only:
    YaST >Software > Online Update

This applies security updates only, no software version upgrades.

The same can be achieved in CLI with zypper:
zypper up -t patch

  1. Security updates + software version upgrades:

YaST >Software Management > View > Package Groups
All in this list > update if newer version is available

This one installs newer versions, if available, of all installed
packaes, without changing vendor.

Same as, in CLI:

zypper up

You may also want to change Packman versions to be default by changing
View >Repositories > Packman > Change system packages to the versions of
this repository.


openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64) main host
openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64) 3.2.0-2-desktop Tumbleweed in VirtualBox
openSUSE 12.1 (i586) 3.1.0-1.2-desktop in EeePC 900

than ks for the reply will look into it

finally one fat update…

On 2012-01-15 08:56, podagee wrote:
> im new to the suse world and i was wondering about the update manager.i
> went into yast added packman and the recommended repositories.only had
> one minor update after install of system.i installed online updating and
> in yast i click on update unconditionally and it says 1082 packages will
> be updated??when??how??i turned off automatic updating cause i like to
> do my own updating.

In that case, select the packages you want to upgrade, like those for
multimedia, and choose a different version in the version tab (packman).
One by one.

There is a list somewhere, it is not big.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

i think i messed up.there is all kinds of things installing.in the community repositories what do i select?only the recommended choices?now im all messed up.gonna reinstall later cause i dont know what i am doing.gnome and different languages on my system???a walk through for updates would be perfect.

On 01/16/2012 07:46 AM, podagee wrote:
> i think i messed up.there is all kinds of things installing.in the
> community repositories what do i select?only the recommended choices?

at least read the paragraph beginning with “IMPORTANT” in this post:

it would also be good advice to urge you to read the entire thread that
that one paragraph is in! it is entitled: “NEW Users - openSUSE
Pre-install (general) - PLEASE READ” and contains a huge wealth of

information which admittedly will take some of your time to read and
understand–but it will SAVE you hours and hours or head scratching,
frustration, missteps, and reinstalls…

> now
> im all messed up.gonna reinstall later cause i dont know what i am
> doing.gnome and different languages on my system???

yes, administering an openSUSE system does take more knowledge than most
folks are born with…

a walk through for updates would be perfect.

updating is simple:

  1. have the right repos enabled and refreshing (you only need FOUR repos
    and two of them refreshing)

  2. open YaST > Software (on the left) > Online Update (on the right)

  3. if it list updates, decide if you want them and if you do press
    “Accept” (if not press “Cancel”)

that is all it takes to keep all security patches and major bug kills
flowing to your machine…do that once a week and you are good to go…

now, “update” is not the word to use if you wish to install applications
missing from the default install…that is different, but just as easy:

  1. make sure you have the basic four repos (ONLY!)

  2. open YaST > Software (on the left) > Software Management (on the right)

  3. into the search block type the name of the application (say
    thunderbird) you wish to install and press enter

  4. in the resulting list (on the right) single left click
    ‘thunderbird’–only click the MAIN box, YaST will know what else you need…

  5. click Ok.

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

thanks.as you mention 4 repos i found this:

You should always have the three official repositories (which are configured out of the box).

Main Repository (OSS)
Main Repository (NON-OSS)
Main Update Repository

Additionally I recommend adding the following unofficial repositories from the Community Repositories list, for having a good balance of software supply and stability for most users.

Packman Repository
openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Extra
openSUSE BuildService - KDE:UpdatedApps

it shows 6.so which 4 are you talking about?
i need you to be a bit more specific cause i am new to opensuse.

okay ive read it and found it the first 3 should be already in place and i should just add packman.got it.thank you so much

On 01/16/2012 10:26 AM, podagee wrote:
> it shows 6.so which 4 are you talking about?
> i need you to be a bit more specific cause i am new to opensuse.

i cannot be more specific, i wrote:

read the paragraph beginning with “IMPORTANT” in this post:

i have no idea where you found your info, or who you quoted, i gave you
what i recommend…but, you are free to follow whatever you wish…

i’m pretty sure if you read long enough you will find folks who
recommend a certain dozen or more…because they say they need
those…but, i recommend for folks NEW to openSUSE to follow the
paragraph i mentioned…

i’ve been using openSUSE since 9.something and, these are my repos
today: SUSE Paste

and, every day…unless i have specific needs outside of those four
(which is seldom)

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat http://tinyurl.com/DD-Hardware
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

if you read my previous post i followed your link.i have also upgraded to 4.7.4 kde.its working like a charm.thanks

On 01/17/2012 02:16 AM, podagee wrote:
> if you read my previous post

unfortunately i read it a good while after i responded…am happy you
found several different opinions to choose from…

DD http://tinyurl.com/DD-Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!