yast problems.

So as I have to use network connections from stations to stations, I have to enable sshd deamon and disable firewall. But there is a problem. After enabling sshd in system runlevels and disable firewall, changes won’t save, but they still work. After computer reboot all changes are back to basic settings and sshd deamon will be disabled and firewall will be enabled. Was checking logs, but there is no erros or any massages why it won’t work.

Does anybody have some tips and tricks how to solve it?


Use yast → System → Runlevels to enable sshd permanently. And there is no need to disable the firewall completely to use ssh. Open port 22 with yast firewall settings module on the server side and it should work.

The issue is:

I go to yast –> System –> Runlevels to enable sshd. Service is enabled… Save changes. But the changes are saved only for this session not permanently. After reboot its back to basics. Even with out reboot when i open system runlevels once again it shows "sshd enabled ( No* ).

On 03/25/2013 12:26 PM, krofj wrote:
> After reboot its back to basics.

what operating system and version are you using?

when you launch YaST does it ask for the root password?

is there a desktop environment involved? which?

are you logged into the desktop environment as root, or as yourself,
a basic user?

is there a VM involved?

are you using “ifup” or Network Manager?

when you wrote “I have to use network connections from stations to
stations” are you saying that you are having this problem on a
distant system or is it in the machine you are directly connected to
via the keyboard?


1)OS - opensuse 12.3
2) yes, its asking root password before letting to use yast
3) 2 computers. My pc is using xfce, 2nd computer is using kde.
4) tried both. as a basic user and as a root. same problem for both sessions.
5) no VM.
6) didn’t use any app other then yast.
7) I’m trying to install new opensuse 12.3 because 12.2 and intel MB graphics drivers won’t work(laggy) As I work in a hospital where is a lot of computers ssh are used to connect to computers remotly. But not this time.

well…i thought i had an idea what might be the problem, but your
answers removed that idea…

i have NO idea how you can set the firewall and sshd in YaST and have
it magically revert to not set during a boot.

it is beyond my experience level…

we can hope a real guru stops in and we can both learn something…
so, i’ll watch this thread and hope to learn…


On 2013-03-25 15:54, dd wrote:
> i have NO idea how you can set the firewall and sshd in YaST and have it
> magically revert to not set during a boot.

I do: Yast is broken, or rather, it has not been upgraded to cope with
systemd services properly. :-/

You have to use instead “systemadm” instead.

View this
thread here

As to firewall changes, they should work in yast.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

On 03/25/2013 04:18 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> I do: Yast is broken

i knew a real guru would know! thanks for sharing…


On 2013-03-25 16:43, dd wrote:
> On 03/25/2013 04:18 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> I do: Yast is broken
> i knew a real guru would know! thanks for sharing…

Nono, I know very little of systemd. It was jdmcdaniel3 who posted that
method in the link I gave. I simply had made a note of it for later use.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

On 03/25/2013 10:54 AM, dd pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> well…i thought i had an idea what might be the problem, but your
> answers removed that idea…
> i have NO idea how you can set the firewall and sshd in YaST and have
> it magically revert to not set during a boot.
> it is beyond my experience level…
> we can hope a real guru stops in and we can both learn something…
> so, i’ll watch this thread and hope to learn…

YaST–>Security and Users–>Firewall

Is where you turn the firewall on or off.

You so funny.

So. Now we are 3 guys who are trying to find a solution.

So far we found that in network settings changing to intern( unsecure ) can allow you to connect via ssh etc.

But there is still problem what persists. Can’t save service settings for more then one session. After reboot or full shutdown settings is back to basics. Tried yast, systemadm, systemctl. Nothing helped so far.

On 03/26/2013 10:36 AM, krofj wrote:
> So. Now we are 3 guys who are trying to find a solution.

there are more than just you three here…see, in the mail list today:

and, as far as i can see no one has taken the trouble of making a bug
report, yet…

stuff that report into http://tinyurl.com/nzhq7j
the sooner the better…


Try to install systemd and then run systemadm and disable susefirewall2 there. Reboot computer and run systemadm once again. If your susefirewall2 will be disabled you can disable firewall in yast aswell. It worked on my own coputer. Won’t work on new ones who needed for work.

On 26.03.2013 11:36, krofj wrote:
> kensch;2540793 Wrote:
>> On 03/25/2013 10:54 AM, dd pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
>> YaST–>Security and Users–>Firewall
>> Is where you turn the firewall on or off.
> You so funny.
> So. Now we are 3 guys who are trying to find a solution.
> So far we found that in network settings changing to intern( unsecure )
> can allow you to connect via ssh etc.
> But there is still problem what persists. Can’t save service settings
> for more then one session. After reboot or full shutdown settings is
> back to basics. Tried yast, systemadm, systemctl. Nothing helped so far.

I don’t have your problem here at all.

I enabled and configured sshd my normal way and it just works, as always.

My normal way:
I always install ‘yast2-sshd’ module since I like to change the port now
and then and this module makes it easy to conf sshd and firewall in one go.

(After installing yast modules one needs to restart yast of course to
get the new module in use)


openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64) Evergreen, main host
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) 3.7.10-1.1-desktop Tumbleweed
openSUSE 12.2 (i586) 3.4.33-2.24-desktop in EeePC 900

On 03/26/2013 05:36 AM, krofj pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> kensch;2540793 Wrote:
>> On 03/25/2013 10:54 AM, dd pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
>> YaST–>Security and Users–>Firewall
>> Is where you turn the firewall on or off.
> You so funny.
> So. Now we are 3 guys who are trying to find a solution.
Don’t count me in this as I pointed to what works in 12.2, And why is it
funny that it works-for-me?

Anyone else thinking 12.3 is kinda half-baked?

Anyway the new systems migrated to systemd (System 500).

You use:

systemctl enable sshd.service

as su.

Things seldom work for me in Yast2. It’s a great UI but it has rarely worked for me and is prone to breaking the system. I’m sure Yast2 takes up MBs but it could do with further simplification, integration and dressing down.