YaST Postfix and mynteworks, relay_domains, mydomain and etc.....

opensuse13.1. (x86)
YaST ( text console ).
Where in yast to configure for Postfix:
mynetworks , relay_domains, mydomain, smtpd_helo_restrictons, smtpd_client_restrictons and other advanced Postfix parameters

to what files it is possible to write settings for Postfix with hands not to break operation of YaST and Postfix ?


On 2014-10-18 07:36, skoltogyan wrote:
> opensuse13.1. (x86)
> YaST ( text console ).
> Where in yast to configure for Postfix:
> mynetworks , relay_domains, mydomain, smtpd_helo_restrictons,
> smtpd_client_restrictons and other advanced Postfix parameters
> ?
> to what files it is possible to write settings for Postfix with hands
> not to break operation of YaST and Postfix ?

To “/etc/sysconfig/postfix”. If a variable does not exist, you can
create it like this:


The “POSTFIX_ADD_” prefix is understood as that you want that variable
to be added nonetheless.

After editing the file, run “/usr/sbin/config.postfix” to apply changes.

If you want to change the restrictions, read the comments in the file.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Thank you.

Some problems.

in the /etc/sysconfi/postfix was add strings:

POSTFIX_ADD_smtpd_restriction_classes="OnlyFromThisPC, OnlyToThisEmail"
POSTFIX_ADD_OnlyFromThisPC="check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access_sender, reject"
POSTFIX_ADD_OnlyToThisEmail="check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/access_recipient, reject"

After this do:

# /usr/sbin/config.postfix 

And have this problem:

Reading /etc/sysconfig and updating the system...
Setting up postfix local as MDA...
Setting up custom SPAM protection...
        *** WARNING ***
unknown parameter POSTFIX_ADD_OnlyFromThisPC ignored
        *** WARNING ***
        *** WARNING ***
unknown parameter POSTFIX_ADD_OnlyToThisEmail ignored
        *** WARNING ***

Why ??


On 2014-10-20 14:06, skoltogyan wrote:

> Why ??


smtpd_restriction_classes (default: empty)

User-defined aliases for groups of access restrictions.
The aliases can be specified in smtpd_recipient_restrictions
etc., and on the right-hand side of a Postfix access(5) table.
One major application is for implementing per-recipient
UCE control. See the RESTRICTION_CLASS_README document
for other examples.

You have to define them first, and then I’m unsure that YaST will accept
them… What you get is a “suse” error, not a postfix error.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)