Yast Patterns Missing

I just noticed this the other day as I don’t use it very often, but with Yast, if I click on Software managment and the the dropdown for patterns, the only thing present is two entries for java.

I did a search on google and found nothing and nothing in this forum. Obviously a file is corrupt somewhere. I can search for and download programs with no problems, but if I wanted to install Gnome, I would have to pick and choose what to install. I thought “patterns” solved this.

Anyway, the only thing I could find was that these files are stored in a .pat file in the home or /usr/share directory. Or, perhaps there is a .yst file somewhere.

Would anyone be willing to venture a guess as to whether, if I were to delete one or both of these, that Yast Patterns would regenerate itself?

Everything else with Suse 11.0 and KDE4.1 seems to work fine … well not everything, but most everything. (Weather and stock plasmoid still don’t work)
